Full text: American loans to Germany

(Managing banks, Trustees, Guarantors, etc.) 
Allgemeine Deutsche Credit-An- Darmstidter und Nationalbank, 85, 
stalt, 87, 89 87, 88 
Allianz Versicherungs-A. G., 90 Deutsche Bank, 89, 361 
American & Continental Corp., 20, Deutsche Kreditsicherung A. G., 
21 83-89, 303-306 
American Exchange-Pacific National Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft, 83, 
Bank, 84-86, 90 85, 86, 88 
American Trust Co., 87, 89 Deutsche Waren-Treuhand A. G., 
Ames, Emerich & Co., 45, 47 87, 89, 90 
Amsterdam Trust Co., 23 Dillon, Read & Co., 20, 24, 43, 45, 
Amsterdamsche Bank, 44, 46, 48, 49 47, 49-51, 88, 186, 305, 345 
Dominion Securities Corp., 47 
Badische Girozentrale, 276, 277, 355 Dresdner Bank, 82, 90, 200-303 
Banca d'Italia, 43 
Bank of England, 43 Engelsch-Hollandsche Bank, N. V., 
Bank for Electric Enterprises, 50 49 
Bankers Trust Co., 21 Equitable Trust Co. of New York, 
Baring Brothers & Co., 50 20, 83, 84, 89 
Basler Handelsbank, 146 
Becker, A. G. & Co., 48, 49, 51 Pe eye esky Comp. 123; 
Belin City Gas Co., 284 First Trust and Savings Bank, 
Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft, 89 Chicago, 89, 90 
Blair & Co. 44, 45, 51, 65, 66, 83, te 
84, 144, 225, 359 German Continental Gas Co., 284 
Blyth, Witter & Co., 45, 47 German Credit & Investment Corp., 
British Overseas Bank, 23 24 
Brown Brothers & Co., 48 Gilissen’s Bank, Arnold, 23, 49, 50 
Goldman, Sachs & Co., 20, 43, 82, 
Caron & Smits, 50 173 
Central Union Trust Co. of New Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, 
York, 83, 84, 89, 90, 186, 303-5 20, 44, 86, 90 
Chapman, P. W. & Co., 50 
Chase National Bank, 20, 84, 144, Haagsche Bankvereeniging, 46 
156, 225, 287 Hallgarten & Co., 47 
Chase Securities Corp., 65, 83. 84 Harriman, W. A. & Co. 23, 47, 50, 
Chatham Phoenix National Bank 51, 222,224 
and Trust Co., 84 Harris, Forbes & Co., 44, 46, 47, 
Commercial Cable Co., 294 49-51, 197, 198, 213 
Corn Exchange Bank, 87 Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 83, 
Crédit Suisse, 4346, 48, 87 85-88 

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