HuwmparEy, A. L., Chairman: Manufacturer, of Pittsburgh ; president of West-
inghouse Air Brake Company ; president of Union Switch and Signal Com-
pany ; recently president of the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce; direc-
tor, Chamber of Commerce of the United States.
BARNES Jamrs P.: Street-railway operator, of Louisville; president of Louisville
Railway Company; vice-president, American Electric Railway Associa-
tion ; member, Louisville Board of Trade.
Brosseau, A. J.: Manufacturer, of New York; president, Mack Trucks, Inc.;
director, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; director, National
Automobile Chamber of Commerce; director, Chamber of Commerce of
the United States.
Carty, GEN. JouN J.: Telephone engineer, of New York; vice-president, Ameri-
can Telephone and Telegraph Company; trustee, Carnegie Institution;
trustee, New York University; chief signal officer, A. E. FE.
Dran, WiLLiam J.: Merchant, of St. Paul; president and treasurer, Nichols,
Dean and Gregg; first vice-president, State Savings Bank of St. Paul;
director, Chamber of Commerce of the United States.
Gray, Carr R.: Railroad official, of Omaha; president, Union Pacific Railway;
during federal operation of railways, director of the division of operation;
director, American Railway Association; director, Chamber of Commerce
of the United States.
Hovr, Ricuarp F.: Banker, of New York; member, Hayden, Stone and Com-
pany ; chairman of board, Wright Aeronautical Corporation ; vice-president,
Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies Steamship Company.
LonspaLE, CHARLES W.: Grain merchant, of Kansas City; president, Simonds-
Shields-Lonsdale Grain Company; formerly vice-president, Kansas City
Chamber of Commerce; director, Chamber of Commerce of the United
PowEgrr, TromAs C.: Railroad official, of Chicago; president, Chicago and East-
ern Illinois Railroad; during war, manager, inland traffic, War Industries
Board and subsequently director, divison of capital expenditures, Rail-
road Administration.
RavMonp, Harry H.: Steamship operator, of New York; president, Mallory
Steamship Company ; formerly president, American Steamship Association ;
during the war, vice-chairman, Shipping Control Committee.
SANDERS, M. J.: Steamship operator, of New Orleans; president, Leyland Lines;
during war, manager, Mississippi-Warrior Section, Division of Inland
Waterways, Railroad Administration; director, Chamber of Commerce of
the United States.
TerEr, Lucius: Banker, of Chicago; president, Chicago Trust Company ; for-
merly president, savings bank section, American Bankers Association, and
formerly president, Chicago Association of Commerce.