Full text: General information about protection of trade marks prints and labels

Owners of trade-marks having business or prospective business 
in foreign countries should ascertain the trade-mark laws in those 
foreign countries so that they may take proper steps in time to 
protect their rights. 
In many foreign countries it is possible for a resident to obtain 
registration of a trade-mark without having actually used it in trade. 
Such registrations of marks owned in the United States have been 
procured by unauthorized persons who employ the registrations to 
stop the importation into the country of goods bearing the mark. 
It is desirable, therefore, for American manufacturers to protect 
their marks by registration in those foreign countries with which 
they may do business before sending goods bearing the marks into 
the foreign countries. Registration in the United States generally 
is essential before registration in foreign countries, and after regis- 
tration has been procured in this country the owner of the mark 
may frequently procure registration in the foreign countries before 
he has actually used the mark there. The duration of a certifi- 
cate of registration in foreign countries varies according to the local 
laws, but frequently runs for the same period as the United States 
Circulars on Trade-Mark Protection in Europe and Latin America 
may be obtained by addressing ‘Bureau of Foreign and Domestic 
Commerce, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C.,” and 
that bureau will inform and advise with respect thereto. 

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