Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

98 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
equipment in first-class condition. woods and mill wastes are of high- 
Still further savings could be effected grade material admirably adapted to 
by remodeling antiquated kilns and the manufacture of clear dimension 
installing modern equipment. stock. This is especially true of slabs. 
About two-thirds, or two-thirds bil- To continue to cut it. from boards, 
lion cubic feet, of the present losses therefore, seems a clear case of pre- 
are estimated to be avoidable. This ventable waste—especially since the 
estimate applies only to sawed prod- cutting up of edged and trimmed 
ucts. boards into dimension stock at the 
SMALL DIMENSION STOCK factory is in itself a very inefficient 
and wasteful process. 
The use of dimension stock offers Heretofore, most dimension stock 
tremendous possibilities in the more has come from hardwoods, but there 
efficient utilization of wood. is no logical reason why softwood di- 
By dimension stock is meant ma- mension stock should not likewise be 
terial which is ready-cut to the proper used. Large quantities of softwood 
dimensions for remanufacturing into boards are cut up each year into small 
specified products. Dimension stock pieces in the manufacture of furni- 
is now cut largely from boards at the ture and woodenware, toys and novel- 
Fra. 28.—The bark sifting down on this pile of pulpwood will hold 
the moisture from rains and form a splendid incubating medium 
for the fungi which decay pulp wood. Preventable decay losses in 
pulp-wood storage yards managed without regard for sanitation 
amount to over 29,000,000 cubic feet annually 
factory and the possible saving would ties, and in making sash, doors, and 
lie in cutting it at the sawmill from millwork. The small pieces might just 
woods and mill waste and from low: as well be obtained in the form of 
grade lumber. dimension stock ready cut to specifi- 
Cutting dimension stock from mill cation from mill waste. 
waste is now practiced to a consider- The most obvious use for dimension 
able extent for automobile body parts stock is in furniture, chair, and box 
and in the case of certain specialized manufacturing plants, and in the num- 
products such as spools, handles, and erous plants making specialties rang- 
other turned stock, but the custom ing from pianos to clothespins. HEspe- 
has not become nearly as widespread cially in the furniture, chair, automo- 
as its possibilities would justify. An bile body, and box and crate indus- 
important reason lies in the present tries a very large percentage of the 
lack of standardization of sizes and total demand for wood can be met by 
other requirements, and the failure the use of dimension. 
of producer and consumer to come to A total saving of about three-fourths 
a mutual understanding. It is very billion cubic feet of standing timber 
important that the industries over- can be realized annually by cutting 
come these superficial obstacles. small dimension stock from woods and 
Large percentages of the present mill waste wherever now feasible.

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