14 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture
not a reason that ought to survive the under operating conditions. In the
test of competition. If this is a cor- third place, we should provide for
rect assumption, it occurs to me that educational work in a large way to
an ample incentive exists for trade “put across” among the manufac-
associations to push the adoption of turers, refabricators, distributors, and
less wasteful processes and to offer consumers the results that have been
their members expert technical serv- proved to have practical merit. And,
ice in this particular field. finally, we should attack the great
I have offered simply a few ex- problem of so correlating the opera-
amples of the nature and causes of tions of different industries and of so
the waste of timber in the United correlating industrial developments
States. A complete enumeration of with consumption that the whole en-
them would cover the whole gamut of terprise can be carried through from
forest-using and wood-fabricating in- start to finish.
dustries, together with = practically In the last analysis, of course, the
every phase of wood consumption. commercial incentive of more profit-
Many of them will be discussed by able business will be the driving
following speakers. The important power behind this whole movement.
question that concerns us to-day is, But much can and must be done
who is going to reduce the waste of through organized effort to speed up
our timber supplies, and how are we the momentum of that power. Just as
to get about it? in the growing of timber, the country
My own view of forest conservation is now seeking through a drive upon
is that of an evolution in industrial forest fires and forest taxation, to give
operations and in the use of land, freer play to the commercial interest
brought about primarily by economic in reforestation, so in this field should
forces. The pressure of competition coordinated effort seek to give freer
and the commercial incentives which play to the business incentive for the
it creates will, as timber becomes better utilization of our timber supply.
more scarce and more valuable, grad- And I want to reiterate that a
ually remove many of these losses. sharp difference exists between this
It is already doing so. The huge problem and the more usual eco-
waste burner, so typical of the Ameri- nomic problems that can be left to the
can sawmill, is beginning to disap- automatic adjustments of supply and
pear from our industrial landscape. demand. There is no practicable solu-
But the nature of the problem is tion of our timber situation outside of
such that individual competition works what we do right here in America.
under a tremendous handicap and We should not delude ourselves with
will gain ground in waste prevention the notion that either importations
but slowly. Our whole timber-manu- from abroad or substitute materials
facturing and wood-using business is at home are going to fill the bill with-
so largely the creature of customary out very serious losses to American
specifications, trade practices, the in- industries and American people. The
herited traditions of employees, the public concern in this situation is
structure of freight rates, and similar manifest. Its concern to forest in-
set conditions, that the opportunity dustry, although from a different
for individual competitive effort is angle, is nevertheless equally great.
greatly restricted. We pride ourselves, Neither can we afford to ignore the
and with reason, on the creative genius Jact that only joint effort will meet
of American industry. The problem the situation.
of saving timber waste in the big way The Federal Government, the States,
that is demanded can not be solved universities, and research organiza-
without a large dose of that same tions should enlist in this campaign,
genius. horse, foot, and dragoons. Their
As I view it, a joint effort should be help can doubtless be rendered most
directed, utilizing all of the agencies effectively through the investigation
available: First, to extend research in of timber utilization problems, par-
the utilization of timber on a much ticularly the types of investigation
larger scale, in order that we may that dig deep into fundamental
continue to ferret out the better meth- science and may require a number of
ods and more economical processes years before results capable of direct
that undoubtedly await the quest of application can be secured. They
the trained investigator. In the sec- should help as well through surveys of
ond place, we should so organize that facts, technical advice, educational
every promising research project car- support, and whatever by way of
ried through the laboratory stage can teaching to carry known betterments
promptly be given a commercial test over into the business their facilities