Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

26 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
lar, red mable, and gray birch, and ered by a stand of mixed pine and 
all too-rapidly growing stems are hardwood, approximately 65 years old. 
being cut back in order to set free View 4 was taken in the winter of 
white ash. red oak, and white pine. 1909. immediately after the clear cut- 
F16. 8.—Weeding the young forest. Poplar, red maple, and gray birch are cut out to 
set free white ash, red oak, and white pine 
Fic. 4 —Part of Harvard forest cut over in 1909 
In Figures 4 and 5 is shown what ting of the stand, and before the last 
can be accomplished by making the of the slash was burned. The abun- 
best of such natural reproduction or dant reproduction of hardwood, not 
advance growth as already exists in visible in the picture, was intention- 
the forest. The two views apply to ally cut back to the ground during the 
the same area, a tract originally cov- logging. In Figure 5, a photograph

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