National Conference on Forest Products 27
nd made in 1921, the new crop is finally and promising a high grade of saw
1d. established in satisfactory density and timber. } : ]
of composition. Originally consisting of The operations shown in these pic-
1t- a great variety of hardwood species, tures, although involving a slight in-
both good and bad, it has been weeded crease in the cost of logging and a
or cleaned twice at a combined cost small investment in the new crop, have
of less than $7 per acre. The result not prevented the realizing of a sub-
is a solid stand of white ash, hard stantial profit over and above the
maple, red oak, and paper birch charge for stumpage.
already well pruned of side branches
16. 5.—Same area as Figure 4, but 12 years later. After two weedings or clearings
the tract has a complete stand of white ash, hard maple, red oak, and paper birch
President, Great Southern Lumber Co
There is perhaps no subject of public until the housewife, whose
public interest that has been more garbage can is richest in proteins, and
consistently misrepresented than that her good man, whose factory is largely
of forest utilization. The lumberman devoted to air pollution, are united in
has been continually pictured as a tree their horror of the man who cuts
butcher operating chiefly for the pro- down trees.
duction of sawdust and fires, whether At the same time, the very men who
in the mill burner or the forest. In have been most vociferous in their
the past his standing in the eyes of condemnation of the least waste of
the general public was about the same timber, have been most insistent, in
as that of the bootlegger of to-day. their purchases, on getting none but
Under the attacks of what he has re- the highest grade of lumber at a nom-
garded as a lunatic fringe, the pro- inal price. They have insisted, too,
ducer of lumber has generally, and that this lumber shall be of fixed
perhaps wrongly, remained silent. To widths and lengths, well calculated to
him it has seemed foolish to assume produce waste. More recently, and
E either that he was deliberately wast I believe largely because of the same
- ing resources upon which his industry vision and quiet efficiency of the
[ was dependent, or that he could be present Chief Forester of the United
- expected in the process of manu- States, a change has come about in
2 facture to save anything that could the public attitude. People ‘are be-
0 not be saved profitably. Unopposed ginning to realize that complete util-
the muckraker has worked upon our ization is possible, and indeed is de-