National Conference on Forest Products 25
zation as can be expected under the perhaps as much waste in these
circumstances. quarters in proportion to the total
It is my conviction that we should volume used as there is in our mills
now pay less attention to the after- and woods. -
logging scene and the mill burners and The Madison laboratory some time
direct our attention to conditions off ago conducted a dry-kiln test in the
the job, where an effort must be made Northwest, working in cooperation
to make it possible to save more. with the operators. The results of
There is much the Federal and State this test have been very beneficial to
Governments can contribute; there iS our industry.
much the public can contribute; and The Government might even go
backed by and working in close co- further and construct a modern saw-
operation with these agencies, there is mill, embodying all of the known ma-
much we ourselves can do. Whatever chinery and processes, which would
is done should be worked out through gserve as an experimental institution,
the industry itself as the medium of from which would radiate the Benefits
expression. as the result of experiments in ma-
We of the Pacific Northwest have chinery and methods. The expense in-
certain definite handicaps to overcome. yolved at first glance might appear
We are out on the end of the limb prohibitive, yet experimental stations
with respect to our consuming mar- jn behalf of agriculture located
kets—2,000 miles from the center of throughout our country are maintained
population, Our freight rate handi- by the Government, representing a
cap, compared to our principal com- considerable annual outlay. It occurs
petitor, using Des Moines, Ia., a8 to me that some of the funds now ex-
representing a common competitive pended in building forest roads might
point in the twilight zone between the je applied to such a project.
two producing regions, is $8 per Governmental agencies have com-
thousand. piled much valuable data on chemical
Our per diem wages are the highest pulp processes. But transportation
paid in any lumber-producing center, geems to be the retardent factor here.
added to which is the fact that we Spurred by the growing criticism
have for the past six years recognized aroused by small hemlock logs and
the eight-hour work day. These are trees left in our woods, a group of
fundamentals which contribute to our |gggers in the Puget Sound district
costs as inexorably as the ebb and flow induced a survey to be made by one of
of the tides and contribute very defi- the district foresters, and the report
nitely to our problem of waste utili- revealed that an average of 2,000 feet
zation. per acre of unmerchantable timber
I have been asked to state what the was left on 35,000 acres logged annu-
Government can do to assist us. I ally in one of our principal timbered
would suggest, first, that it continue counties, or 70,000,000 feet of material
and increase its research in chemical suitable for pulp, and that if broken
processes by which by-products can be logs could be economically gathered
economically manufactured. This will this amount might be doubled. An ex-
be of benefit to us and our competitors change of correspondence resulted be-
as well. tween this group of loggers and promi-
The Madison laboratory is a splen- nent paper concerns of the United
did institution and has done much States in an endeavor to arouse inter-
along these lines, by perfecting proc- est, but without results. To my mind,
esses for producing aleohol, tanin oils, pulp conversion is one of the most fer-
charcoal, and their like, from waste. tile fields for closer utilization. But
I see no reason why these labora- our industry has gone as far as it can
tories should not create tests and col- in this direction.
lect data on laminated 2 by 4's and I am, in general, opposed to the
all sizes of dimension, even including principle of governmental subsity to
timbers, and then assist us in carry- private enterprises; paternalism. be-
ing on a campaign to educate the gets dependence and encourages im-
public to use these articles, and, in potence. Ifis un-American. Likewise,
general, educate our entire citizen- [ am generally opposed to Federal,
ship along the lines of work saving. State, or municipal governments en-
A survey of cut-up industrial and gaging in business in competition with
furniture manufacturing plants of the private enterprises. Yet we are here
Nation might be made with a view faced with a condition of waste which
to determining the possibilities of is admitted by all classes of our so-
using our waste, and acquainting us ciety as stupendous, and in the main
with their requirements. for there is at present beyond the possibility of