Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 87 
by records of tests made, that our ber-producing regions of the Nation, 
wood is suitable to their uses. We whom we honor and respect, as men 
have made an exhaustive survey of the and as competitors, amply capable of 
uSes of shop and cut-up material. All speaking for themselves on any and 
this field information has been relayed all occasions. 
back to the operations on the job in I realize my remarks have been ex- 
order to coordinate the field work with tended. I regret my inability to cover 
the production end. the subject without thus inflicting 
Our industry, in common with all upon your time and good nature. 
other producing sections, has recently We of the Pacific Northwest are 
entered a standardization program, fully conscious of the importance of 
admittedly a most progressive move- this movement. We are eager to do 
ment, and one which has its very help- our share. We represent the last 
ful reaction on utilization as well as great stand and are conscious of the 
service to the public. obligation thus imposed upon us. 
Our West Coast Lumbermen’s Asso- We believe the problem is one which 
ciation has for the past year institu- affects the entire fabric of our society, 
ted rigid grade inspections at the mills the essential elements of which must 
to promote uniformity in grades and be parties to the solution. Society of 
to place us in position to give our to-day owes an obligation to future 
customers what they order. generations, to conserve and perpet- 
With these things which we have uate this great natural resource, and 
done for ourselves, backed by a defi- we gain inspiration from the con- 
nite cooperation from the State and sciousness that a proper and lasting 
Federal Governments, we should in- solution in the near future will con- 
crease our budget for market exten- stitute a heritage which we may with 
sion and augment it all by an intelli- pride pass on to our posterity. 
gent campaign of publicity. We have The following poem illustrates the 
a wonderful story to tell, a story based spirit which inspires us in pursuit of 
upon facts and teeming with helpful this problem: 
information, to him who builds. An old man, traveling a lone highway, 
rhe By ti po, Tos Sh soning fol nd pa, 
acke y equally intelligent pub- T v ang 1d s 
licity, the logging wastes and the mill Fhe old man crossed in, the QURIEEE din 
ener WI Yuko gn 25 Dometves, But De turned when he reached the other 
e possibilities are boundless. side Si AE y 
_If nothing else. the history of the aff; "uildsd ROPES Soa the ide 
rise of wood substitutes which have «you are wasting your strength with 
been and are making such inroads in building here, i wih mn aiid 
our sales, with the millions of dollars Tor Jomney oll od ey 
Spent in their advertising, should con- You Nave grossed, fhe ghasn cep and wile 
V. “ 3 ‘ q ov] i ou 18 bhriag > : 
ute ne TL a, AE 
> Y £ i “ Good friend, on the path I have come, 
golden opportunity if we hesitate. De said, y 
If I seem provincial in directing my Thos olowell Sodan why. 
remarks solely to the products of the frp stream, which has been as naught 
fir region, it is both because I have bo, mel I Ba hn RT Tos 
been asked to do 50 and also because re tnt res the: twilight dim, 
we have always found the splendid (ood friend, I am building this bridgé 
gentlemen representing the other lum- for him.” 
President, Central Coal & Coke Co. 
The subject given me for discussion First. The interest of the general 
on this occasion seems to be of a very public. © The public's interest is due 
technical character, but as I am not to the fact that through proper season- 
a technical man in any sense of the ing a larger portion of the product 
word I shall not endeavor to handle it remains in the higher grades, the 
in a technical way, but shall treat it supply of which is increased. and 
in a more or less historical manner. waste is reduced. 
There is a general interest in the Second. The interest of the current 
whole question of seasoning of lum- consumer—the man who is building 
ber. This general interest may be his home. Admittedly, seasoned lum- 
subdivided into : her in house construction is an eco-

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