fullscreen: Peach culture in California

leathery texture of the product. The total drying time varies greatly 
with locality and weather conditions but averages eight days for 
Before the dried fruit from each tray is seraped into lug or sweat 
boxes, discolored pieces, pits, or other foreign matter, should be picked 
out. This important culling can be done much more efficiently and 
economically at this point than at any later time. The dried fruit is 
then transferred fiom the dry-yard to the storage building, where it 
is ‘sweated’ so as to equalize the moisture content, and is there held 
until marketed. 
Fig. 15.—Typieal sulfur houses with counterpoised door hinged at top. Note 
transfer and trav cars. (From California Aor. Exp. Sta. Bul. 388.) 
Canning Fruit—The fruit is shipped or hauled to the nearest 
cannery. The cannery has certain requirements as to the condition of 
the fruit that is accepted and gives the grower instructions regarding 
the desired maturity for harvest. Fruit of 234 inches or more in 
diameter is demanded for grade No. 1, and it must be firm, ripe, clean 
and free from blemishes. The cannery may, however, accept No. 2 grade 
of smaller sizes and also some slightly bruised or overripe fruit for 
making jams and for pie fruit. The fruit when canned must have a 
pleasing golden color (if a yellow fleshed variety), be firm in texture, 
high in flavor, and of high sugar content. The flesh must not ‘rag’ 
in the syrup or show red at the pit. The syrup should remain clear. 
These requirements are demanded by the consumer.

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