Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

50 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
thought. We save all lumber down to in the curing, or in the remanufac- 
dimension a foot long, an inch thick, ture; and these are therefore subjects 
and 3 inches wide, some of this by the for the general public's welfare. 
use of special machinery. Speaking as one manufacturer, I feel 
Our aim everywhere is the elimina- I am voicing the sentiments of all, 
tion of the burner. We have reached that they are keenly alert to these 
that point at our mills at Park Falls, changed conditions, wishing to take 
Rice Lake, and Virginia, but only every advantage possible, not alone for 
through the sale of firewood at Rice the public’s welfare but for their own 
Lake and of fuel to a paper mill at direct welfare, in the manufacturing 
Park Falls and to a public utilities and marketing of their product. They 
company at Virginia. The burners welcome study by the Government 
stand because they are occasionally looking forward to any thoughts that 
needed, but their use is rare. Our will be likewise mutually beneficial to 
aim now along this particular line at the public and to themselves. The 
all four of our operations, Park Falls, Government, in institutions like the 
Rice Lake, Virginia, and the two mills Wisconsin laboratory, can better ex- 
in the South, is to utilize as small periment than any individual manufac- 
dimension the good lumber that goes turer. The manufacturers interests are 
into firewood, fuel wood, and into the with the public in encouraging liberal 
burner, and I have given you a frank legislation and expenditures to such 
statement of the extent to which we institutions, feeling that the compara- 
have progressed toward that most de- tive expenditures will be but a small 
sirable end. amount temporarily lent them, to be 
The conservation of anything means, returned ten-fold in knowledge that the 
in broad terms, a saving, whether in manufacturers, individually, can utilize 
the manufacture of logs into lumber. for their own and the public’s interest. 
Fisher Body Corporation 
The use of dimension stock is not ber. The dimension proposition as it 
new to the manufacturer of wagons, affects the automobile body work is 
furniture, and many other articles, but already being applied more or less, 
as applied to the automobile indus- undoubtedly, with different degrees of 
try it is of more recent date. How- success. If such material as slabs and 
ever, a great many So-called new edgings are to be dimensioned this 
ideas are only a later and more im- process must take place while the 
proved application of an old custom. stock is green. If a plant producing 
Most of the woodworking plants are dimension stock from the balance of 
producing dimension stock when they a log cuts their logs in a different 
cut up the lumber in the course of the manner than the usual practice, they 
fabrication of their product; and most can undoubtedly obtain a greater utili- 
plants, if they are using good practice, zation of the entire footage of the log. 
are attempting in every way to reduce But do not be misled by the concep- 
the actual waste in their plant to a tion that an automobile body is made 
minimum. However, it is rather sur- up of a group of little pieces such as 
prising what a variance of waste can can be gotten out of slabs and edg- 
occur in different places using the ings, and while furniture dimension 
same class of material; and the man stock is in smaller sizes, body work 
on the job seems to control this to a requires quite a number of pieces of a 
large degree, by an analysis of what good size, such as side sills up to 10 
he has to work with and what he is inches wide and 96 inches long, side 
required to get out of it. roof rails up to 9 inches wide and 103 
‘So, granting that the present meth- inches long, rear belt rails up to 615 
ods are good and that we are obtain- inches wide and 55 inches long, front 
ing all that is possible from the lum- and rear roof rails up to 5 inches wide 
ber which we receive, there is one fur- and 61 inches long, body pillage to 9 
ther step in the direction of better inches wide and 54 inches long, door 
utlization in the form of obtaining pillars to 6 inches wide and 51 inches 
dimension stock cut either from green, long. These are the extreme widths 
air-dried, or kiln-dried material, and lengths, while the smallest sizes 
whether it be slabs, edgings, or lum- of these items would probably run 50

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