Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 
Chief of Division of Building and Housing, Department of Commerce 
It is easy to say, and easy to prove, bona fide study made by a special 
that timber could be better utilized in group into the better use of lumber 
the woods, at the sawmill, at the plan- will be helpful. But if we expect to 
ing mill, and in the erection of houses. make the progress that the imperative 
But before the novice goes very far conditions demand, the study must be 
in the direction of better utilization he a joint study. The report resulting 
finds that many of his dreams come from the study must have been 
true only with added costs. In some pounded into usefulness by the lumber 
cases the cost makes the plan prohibi- manufacturer, retailer, contractor, ar- 
tive. But there is room for better chitect, and carpenter. 
utilization, and it can be brought There have always been those who 
about through the cooperation of the tried to tell the manufacturer of lum- 
timber owner, mill operator, retail ber what he ought to do without 
lumber dealer, contractor, engineer, knowing anything about the business 
architect, and building owner. With or what the cost would be. And there 
the Federal Government, State govern- also have been those who have tried 
ments, and these private interests €o- to tell the builder and the carpenter 
operating, a constructive program can what they should do without knowing 
be evolved and effectively executed. the cost. Many well-intentioned re- 
Long lengths, short lengths, odd ports have been issued, somewhat one- 
lengths, high-grade and low-grade lum- sided, yes, but 90 per cent true and 
ber can be used in the erection of deserving of consideration. But they 
houses. Just where they can be used have signally failed, have actually 
and to what extent must be carefully done damage to a good cause because 
determined. High-grade lumber and they expected the other party or 
long lengths have been used where group to do something impossible. 
they were entirely unnecessary. Not One ignorant statement caused the re- 
only was it a waste of an excellent port to be rejected completely. If 
product, but it resulted in the burning there is cooperation in the study the 
and rotting of billions of feet of highly ignorant statement will not appear. 
useful lower grades. There are several problems needing 
The use of short lengths and low- study, but the two of greatest impor- 
grade lumber in construction is, in a tance, in so far as better utilization 
floundering way, making progress. of lumber in construction is concerned, 
There are slight changes and minor involve (1) production and (2) the 
improvements in utilization taking use of lumber on the construction job. 
place from time to time, but the inertia The educational work necessary to 
of a custom, deeply implanted, de- sell the lumber will be relatively easy 
veloped during a period when timber if the other studies show clearly that 
was plentiful and all used lumber such and such stock can be used to 
recklessly, is hard to overcome. It is advantage. The problem is not half 
difficult for the older people of to-day, as much a production problem as it is 
who made free use of high-grade lum- a use problem and a merchandising 
ber when it was cheap for every con- one, The lumberman may not know 
ceivable purpose, to adjust themselves just how much it will cost fo use 
to present conditions when it is im- more of the tree, but he does know 
Perative to use our resources to the that he is leaving much in the woods 
best possible advantage. These people which can be taken out if it could be 
will not be convinced of the necessity sold at a reasonable price. : 
for better utilization of lumber by the The Forest Service and its Forest 
mere opinions of interested parties. Products Laboratory, forest schools, 
But these people are just as ready lumber associations, and others have 
to be convinced, just as willing to engaged in research work, and are re- 
Practice better utilization of lumber sponsible for much of the progress 
as are those of the younger generation made in utilization. The retail lum- 
if the facts are clearly presented and ber dealers have made a contribution, 
Signed by the recognized leaders of and the architects have also helped. 
each of the groups interested in the The work of all these agencies should 
tonstruction of houses. be collected and supplemented by more 
Progress in better utilization is be- research to fill in the gaps, and the 
ing made, Yes. but it is slow. Every results passed on by representatives 

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