58 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture
sawing has greatly increased the quan- lost in the woods. If the log includes
tity of lumber which can be produced a serious defect or knot, it will lower
from a given tract of timber. If scant the grade and seriously affect its use
sawing saves lumber, and the dimen- if the knot in included. The sample
sion stock and boards provide ade- studies which have been made on the
quate strength and protection, let us job show very clearly that there is a
save the timber. Of course, there is place for much odd-length stock. This
no true economy if scant sawing is is not only true of dimensions and
carried beyond the point of safety. framing materials, but of boards.
Custom again enters and becomes the Considering the present design of
millstone to progress. frame houses, the purchase of odd-
Builders have used heavy timbers in length floor joists would frequently
the past, clear siding and sheathing, be an economy.
full-sawn dimension stock, even lengths Short lengths are being used in
and long boards, wide stock and clear house construction, and much more
stock. With the old models in mind, can he used economically. The ques-
it is difficult for them to adjust them- tion of short lengths assumes great-
selves to the point of prescribing the est. importance in small timber and in
use of smaller dimension and short low-quality logs, and much less im-
and odd lengths in construction. Too portance in tall timber containing a
frequently the home builder has felt high percentage of clear stock. The
that any urging on the part of the manufacturers of hardwood flooring
retailer for him to use narrower stock have found it possible to market short
or a lower grade was solely in the lengths. The use of short lengths in
interest of the retailer. the softwoods is not so extensive.
The purchaser of lumber, however, Some time studies have been made
has made considerable progress in his covering the laying of floors. Sample
acceptance of many of the recommen- studies on the job show that in the
dations of lumbermen, and he will ac- use of short stock, if not end-matched
cept others more rapidly if an un- and not assorted into multiples of
prejudiced report is presented to him lengths, the cost of the labor involved
showing what can be done economi- in floor laying more than offsets any
cally, especially if this report is signed gain obtained from the use of such
by all parties interested in lumber stock. If these sample studies are an
and its uses. While some progress index of general conditions, it means
has been made, the condition of our that the manufacturer must produce
timber supply necessitates the more the stock ready to lay, end-matched,
rapid adoption of better practice. and the retailer in making the sale
Cooperation is essential. Short must sort into lengths suitable for the
lengths and odd lengths will not come particular job. Studies also show
into common use until the manufac- that fully 40 per cent of the boards
turer, the retailer, and the designer of used in small frame houses are less
houses work in cooperation or along than 9 feet long and many are of odd
the same lines. The logger is not length. There is comparatively little
going to instruct his logging crew to room for short-length floor joists and
cut 13-foot logs where 14-foot are im- studding, although in many farm
possible as long as the retail dealer buildings and in some of our city
refuses to order such stock; and the residences more short-length studding
retailer will refuse to order odd could be used..
lengths as long as the purchaser or All lumbermen are acquainted with
consumer refuses to specify such the work on standardization which
stock ; and the designer, be he archi- has been accomplished after prolonged
tect. or carpenter, refuses to specify investigation and consideration by
odd lengths as long as he has no as- bodies representing producers, dis-
surance of getting delivery. In fact, tributors, and consumers. The gen-
the designer has more than once been eral acceptance of the standards al-
disgusted when he ordered 9-foot stud- ready adopted not only will save lum-
ding, and 18-foot lengths were deliv- ber but is becoming a distinet advan-
ered and he was billed accordingly. tage in construction. The organiza-
In the heavy timbered areas of the tion developed for this purpose has
United States, it is not the practice proved its soundness and its value, and
to cut logs into odd lengths. Although is in a position to assist in research
the 13-foot log is known in the Adiron- and adoption of a program in regard
dacks, it is practically unknown in to better use of lumber in building.
the South and West. If only even It will be unnecessary to discuss
lengths were salable, it often happens protective features, for other speakers
that an extra foot of good lumber is will discuss them. The prevention of