Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 9 
rot and decay, the use of paint, pre- lem and are now working together as 
servative treatment of timbers, and never before. A program has been 
fire-stopping methods are all of inter- outlined involving a study of short 
est in construction. and odd lengths. It is already under 
In conclusion, I will briefly state way, and in my opinion the findings 
that the need for better utilization of will be such that they will be accepted 
lumber is imperative. It can be by the lumberman, contractor, archi- 
brought about through cooperation. tect, and others. The outlook - is 
All groups are interested in the prob- promising. 
President, E. C. Atkins & Co. (Inc.). 
The idea back of this assembly of worked to the point of cutting down 
those interested in saving our timber a tree, but all have developed operat- 
supply is an idea that lies back of ing problems that so far have proved 
one of the most important problems in very discouraging—mainly, the first 
this country. It is time that real con- cost and upkeep. Our last trial was 
structive thought and concerted effort with a chain saw, really a link belt 
should be devoted to both saving our made up of saw teeth operating over 
present supply of timber and develop- sprockets driven by gasoline motor. 
ing a further supply, not 25 years This device was tested in Carolina 
hence, but now. pine, West Virginia hardwood, and 
My purpose here is in the capacity Louisiana pine; and when the direct 
of a manufacturer of saws for cutting question was put to each timberman: 
and preparing wood for various uses. © Will you buy one or two machines 
In that capacity the many problems at $1,200?” only one answer was yes, 
of ways and means for doing this and that yes was qualified by such 
work with the least waste are up for stipulated guaranties that a manufac- 
solution every day. Great progress turer would hardly dare to undertake 
has been made, particularly along the the risk. 
line of saving in remanufacture of We tested narrow-band saws mount- 
Wood products after the lumber has ed on portable frames driven by gaso- 
been cut at the mill. line power, but to no purpose, as the 
Suppose we start with the cutting saw is too light to make a straight 
down of the tree in the woods. In cut and so can not be controlled. So 
this operation, leaving out of consid- far, the best arrangement is a chain 
eration the art of lumbering itself, saw. 
which includes the knowledge of We built a circular saw machine to 
what trees to cut and how to cut carry a saw, rim driven. It can be 
them, we really have but one problem done, but unfortunately trees for the 
to solve in the prevention of wood sawmill are not cut in the city park 
waste. That problem is the height of where the cutters have free passage. 
the stump to be left in the woods. Machines for logging have to be car- 
Logging is mow done with the cross- ried: around in rough hilly places 
cut saw. This tool now cuts a mini- tangled with undergrowth. Our lat- 
mum of kerf and really the width of est attempt was to try a long cable 
kerf in the height of a tree is negligi- shod with teeth which could be op- 
ble. What is wanted is a low stump. erated by a donkey engine 500 to 1,000 
There seems to be a limit to the feet away. It can be done, but only 
height of the stump under present at the risk of breaking up more timber 
methods of cutting, owing to the diffi- than could possibly be saved by a low 
culty of operating a two-man crosscut stump. 
Saw nearer than 12 to 18 inches from To sum up this whole matter of 
the ground. The sawyers just will logging, it comes to ome conclusion. 
not do any better, even when trees Low stumps can be attained by the 
grow so as to offer real value for the use of a chain saw, driven by a gaso- 
extra food or 18 inches saved. line air-cooled engine. But the sav- 
For 15 years we have done more or ing of timber is offset by the extra 
less experimenting to develop a power cost of operation. 
machine to do this work. We have Passing that phase of wood waste, 
built three chain saws operated by we come to the manufacture of lumber 
gasoline. air. and steam. All have itself after the log is cut and delivered 

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