Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 
At the opening session of the con- On the afternoon of the second day 
ference, Secretary Gore appointed a of the conference the committee laid 
temporary committee on permanent the following report before the con- 
organization and program, composed ference: 
of the following members : 
A. C. Goodyear, president, Great STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 
Southern Lumber Co. (chairman), i An adequate supply of timber is 
Wo Joy as Joyee essential to the industrial develop- 
0. B Bradtute resident ‘American ment of the country and to the main- 
Form Rireat: a, tenance of present standards of living, 
0. M. Butler secretary American BS well as to the prosperity of the 
Forestry Asso citi hr. ? people and industries dependent upon’ 
E. L. Carpenter, president, Shevlin- ‘1 tOrests. ; . 
Carpenter-Clark Co. Regional timber shortages and con- 
Harry B. Curtin, president, National sequent high costs are already mak- 
Hardvwoo 1 Tamber NED cit on ing themselves felt to manufacturers 
Y. 1. Curtis, vice resident Curtis and users alike, and will become in- 
Co. ¥ 2 pres ’ ! const) Seiomy ii he any 
24 ot y years needed to get an adequate pro- 
Woot Comes Rsmoctation gram of timber growing into effect, 
Billi ; dn 3 vite Tore careful utilization of fores 
priobiot, TE Gondwin, presiQentrics products offers an immediate means 
th to 5 of prolonging our supply of timber 
Re Sen dean of the Yale and should be recognized in the na- 
rn Bon A tional program of forestry as of equal 
SS nan. Herty, president, Syn- importance with timber growing and 
thetic Organic Chemical Manufactur- proseotion. heii Dire 
ers’ Association of the United States. nowledge of better utilization has 
E. CO. Hole, secretary and manager, Sutiiripoed practice, and Showy be 
T ta applied wherever economically feas- 
be American Lombermon, A ible, as a necessary measure to reduce 
ML BE. Lloyd, president, The Wm. i a Tae Tovests 
. Lloyd Co. . : ? 
B. F. Masters, chairman of the Through further research, under- 
Jaii sarin inti standing, and cooperation it will be 
board, National Association of Box s ) : 
Manufacturers possible still further progressively to 
Dr. John C Merriam president, Car- reduce the drain on the forests. 
negio Tnistitution 4 ’ Reducing needless drain will tend 
3. Malcolm Muir, chairman, refor- ot lower the cost of raw ‘material, 
estation committee, Associated Adver- TC AT Bi om 
tising Clubs \ / : Seer, 
I ian gen- lengthen the life of plant investments 
eral committee, standardization divi- bY praasing the supply of raw mate- 
sion, ¢ 17d jean Iigl. : 
oly oa) wining boancn Siimeries The task of reducing these losses is 
G. Fu. Shorsiil preston; Shorelll ©, JOInt rectally of De fdas. 
Hard ? trial, commercial, agricultural,” gov- 
i init Ameri. ernmental, educational, and profes- 
can Paper & Pulp sociation. sional interests. and the general pub- 
1, H. Stoner, president, West Penn- lic. 
R. Y. Stuart, commissioner of for- ORGANIZATION 
estry, Comonwealth of Pennsylvania. : 
W. B. Swift, assistant manager, pur- The purpose of the conference is to 
Chasing department, International create means for introducing better 
Harvester Co. practices in wood manufacture and 
W. A. Thomas, president, Statesville use into general commercial applica- 
Furniture Co. tion, and to stimulate the proper 
Frank ©. Wisner, president, National agencies to supply ‘additional knowl- 
Lumber Manufacturers’ Association. edge on better utilization. This can 
Secretary Gore, Colonel Greeley, and be accomplished only by the united 
Colonel Goodyear, the chairman of efforts of manufacturers, distributors, 
the committee, urged all members of consumers, farmers, educators, the 
the conference to give this committee press, the technical experts, and Gov- 
any suggestions they had to make as ernment agencies for better forest 
to permanent organization and pro- utilization on a national scale.” These 
gram. efforts should be directed by a per- 

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