Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 5 
what machines they should have, and W. A. GurHRrRIE (State department 
so on. I think the committee should of conservation, Indiana). The great 
give some thought to attaching these thing in which I am interested is 
theories to practical affairs, and in what Mr. Goodwillie, of Chicago, sug- 
all their calculations not forget the gested—that we should care for our 
small sawmill man. Get some money waste land. In Indiana we have 
and make it practical; and I suggest 2,300,000 acres not producing any- 
that the Government, the States, the thing at this time. We want refor- 
universities, and the industries be estation. We are going to work in 
called upon. You might need two or cooperation with the Federal Govern- 
three million dollars. . ment under the Clarke-McNary bill. 
One of the troubles with the dimen- (H. B. Berry (Fort Plain, N. Y.) 
sion stock business all through the urged a law regulating the cutting 
past years, and at the present time, and sale of Christmas trees, so that 
is that the consumer wants to buy a this practice might be coordinated 
perfectly clear piece of wood, with- with good forestry practice, rather 
out any defect, for a less price than than, as now in many instances, to 
he will have to pay for the No. 1 or be a. source of loss and waste.) 
2 grade from which he would cut it (There being no further discussion, 
in his own factory. That has always the report of the temporary committee 
been the case, and yet the cost of pro- on permanent organization and pro- 
ducing this stuff has increased greatly, gram was voted on and unanimously 
particularly since the war. Wages adopted by the conference.) 
are so high, the cost of producing is (A motion was also made and car- 
80 high, and the loss so great when ried that the temporary committee 
you kiln-dry dimension stock, that the continue in existence to cooperate with 
amount you get paid for it finally the central committee until that co- 
should bring as much as the No. 1 or operation should no longer be needed.) 
2 grades, or there is no incentive to do (Acting Secretary Gore addressed a 
the business. few words of appreciation and fare- 
(JUSTINIANO Baca (Commissioner well to the conference, characterizing 
of public lands, New Mexico) assured its work in striving to settle an im- 
the conference of the interest of New portant peace-time problem as a form 
Mexico, with her several hundred of patriotism comparable to that dis- 
thousand acres of forest land, in the played in time of war.) 
work of the Permanent Committee, Colonel GreerLEY. In adjourning this 
and stated his belief that the financ- conference, let me express my deep 
ing of their work should be in some appreciation for your help and service. 
measure supported by the different It has been a wonderful thing from 
States of the Union having forestry the Government end to have this in- 
interests. In such a program New dication of your interest and your 
Mexico would be glad to cooperate, he help. 
Agricultural Publishers Association. American Railway Engineering Association. 
American Association of Advertising American Society of Agricultural Engi- 
Agencies. neers. 3 Li > 
American Association of Engineers. American Society of Civil Engineers. 
American Association of Paper Specialty American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 
Manufacturers. American Society for Testing Materials. 
American Chemical Society. American Tree Association. 
American Electric Railway Association. American Walnut Manufacturers’ Associa- 
American Electric Railway Engineering tion. als 
Association. American Wood Preservers Association. 
American Engineering Council. Appalachian Logging Congress. 
American Engineering Standards Com- Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. 
mittee. \sgociated Cooperage Industries of America. 
American Farm Bureau Federation. Associated General Contractors of America, 
American Forestry Association. Association of Railway Executives. 
American ‘nstitute of Architects. Association of Wood Using Industries. 
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Better Homes in America. 
American 'nstitute of Consulting Engineers. Boston Chamber of Commerce. ; 
American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Box Board Manufacturers’ Association. 
American Institute of Mining and Metal- Boy Scouts of America. | A 
lurgical Engineers. California Forest Protective Association. 
Ama [nstitute of Park KExecutives. California Redwood Association. 
American Legion. California White and Sugar Pine Manu- 
American Mining Congress. facturers’ Association. 
American Nature Association. A ia Le ee Standards 
Ameri ¢ r Pr 8 ssocia- ntra s 
an IT Chamber of Commerce of the United 
Americ ociation. States. 
Rnocen Paper and Pulp Ass Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo.

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