Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

. No c ~ . 
76 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
Converting Paper Mills Association. National Retail Lumber Dealers’ Associa- 
Cost Association of the Paper Industry. tion. 
Cover Paper Manufacturers’ Association. National Varnish Manufacturers’ Associa- 
Engineering Foundation of New York. tion. 
Florida Forestry Association. National Veneer and Panel Manufacturers’ 
Folding Box Manufacturers’ National As- Association. 
sociation. - National Wood Chemical Association. 
Forest Products Association, News Print Service Bureau. 
Georgia Forestry Association. New York State Forestry Commission. 
Georgia-Florida Sawmill Association. Norfolk-Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce. 
Hardwood Consulting Committee of the North Carolina Pine Association. 
Central Committee on Lumber Standards. Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Associa- 
Hardwood Manufacturers’ Institute. tion. 
Isaak Walton Leagues. Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manu- 
Kiwanis International. facturers’ Association. 
Manufacturing Chemists’ Association of Northern Pine Manufacturers’ Association. 
the United States. Northern White Cedar Association. 
Massachusetts Forestry Association. Northwestern Lumbermen’s Association. 
Miami Valley Paper Association. Northwestern Retail Lumbermen’s Associa- 
Millwork Cost Bureau. tion. i 
Minnesota Federation of Architects and Oportunists International. 
Engineers. Pan American Union. 
Missouri Forestry Association. Plywood Manufacturers’ Association. 
Montana Joint Forestry Committee. - Portland (Oreg.) Chamber of Commerce. 
Music Industries Chamber of Commerce. Railway Car Manufacturers’ Association. 
National Academy of Sciences. Railway Fire Protection Association. 
National Alliancé of Furniture Manufac- Lotary Infernational. 
turers. Save the Surface Campaign. - 
National-American Wholesale Lumber As- Society for Protection of New Hampshire 
sociation. Forests, : ” 
National Association of Box Manufactur- Society of American Foresters. 
ers. Society of Automotive Engineers. : 
National Association of Chair Manufac- Sogshern Cypress Manufacturers’ Associa- 
turers, . 
National Association of Farm Equipment Southern Furniture Manufacturers’ Asso- 
Manufacturers. ciation. 7 
National Association of Purchasing Agents. Southern Hardwood Traffic Association. 
National Association of Railroad Tie Pro- Southern Pine Association. 
ducers Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers’ 
National Association of Wood Turners. Association. 
National Automobile Chamber of Com- Technical Association of the Pulp and 
merce. Paper Industry. J 
National Board of Farm Organizations. Texas Forestry Association. 
National Board of Fire Underwriters. Tissue Paper Manufacturers’ Association. 
National Canners’ Association. Toy Manufacturers’ of the United States 
National Coal Association. of America. 
National Commercial Fixture Manufactur- Turpentine and Rosin Producers’ Associa- 
ers’ A sociation. tion. 
National Container Association. Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs. 
National Council of Furniture Associations. West Coast Forest Products Bureau. 
National Editorial Association. West Coast Lumbermen’s Association. 
National Fire Protection Association. Western Forestry and Conservation Asso- 
National Hardwood Lumber Association. ciation. 
National League of Women Voters. Western North Carolina (Inc.). 
National Lumber Manufacturers’ Associa- Western Pine Manufacturers’ Association. 
tion. Western Society of Engineers. 
National Lumber Manufacturers’ Interin- Wholesale Sash and Door Association. 
surance Exchange. Wirebound Box Manufacturers’ Association. 
National Piano Manufacturers’ Associa- Wrapping Paper Manufacturers’ Service 
tion of America. Bureau. 
National Research Council. Writing Paper Manufacturers’ Association. 
[*Present at the chief business session *Anderson, G. A., B. K. Settergreen Co., 
Thursday afternoon, Nov. 20.] Bluffton, Ind. 
*Andrews Toward, Nashville, Lumber Co., 
Agnew, P. C., secretary, America Engi- Nashville, Tenn. 
neering Standards Commission, New  *Apperson, S. 8. American Society of 
York. Mechanical Engineers, 29 West Thirty- 
Ahern, Col. Geo. P., 1438 Belmont Street, ninth Street, New York City. 
Washington, D. C. *Atking, H. C., president, KE. C. Atkins & 
Allen, C. B., Geo. G. Roverts Manufac- Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 
turing Co., Chicago, 1lL. *Atwood, Col. Wm. G., 50 Church Street, 
Allen, I. M., president, Holston River New York City. 
Lumber Co., Darlington, Md. *Ayers, Philip W., secretary, Society for 
*Allen, E. P., National Lumber Manufac- Protection of New Hampshire Forests, 
turers’ Association, Washington, D. C. Boston. Mass. 
*Allen, J. H., president, Sterling Lumber 
Co., St. Louis, Mo. *Babbitt, Wm. A., secretary, National As- 
Allen, R. B., secretary, West Coast Lum- sociation of Wood Turners, South Bend, 
berman’s Association, Seattle, Wash. Ind. 
Allen, 8. W., American Forestry Associa- *Babcock, A, T., Western Maryland Rail- 
tion, Washington, D. C. way Co., Baltimore, Md. 
*Anderson, C. I, Anderson Lumber Cor- Babcock, I. V., Babcock Lumber Co., Pitts- 
poration. Marion, S. C. burgh, Pa.

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