Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 9 
Gately, W. A., Department of Commerce, *Heller, C. J., The Texas Co., Port Arthur, 
Washington, D. C. Tex, 
Gay, D. J., president, Turpentine & Rosin *Helphenstine, R. K., United States Forest 
Producers’ Association, Biloxi, Miss. Service, Washington, D. C. 
tGiennett, A., Appalachian Logging Con- «Henderson, Hiram L., Henderson Drying 
gress, Asheville, N. C. Tquipment Corporation, Syracuse, N.Y. 
¥Gibbs, John M., secretary, North Carolina Herget, H. G., president, Pekin Cooporage 
Pine Associaiton, Norfolk, Va. Co., Pekin, IIL 
*Gilkey, G. L., vice president, Anson, Gilkey *Herty, C. H., president, Synthetic Organic 
& Hurd Co., Merrill, Wis. Chemical Manufacturers Association of 
t(iladding, N. A., vice president, wn... United States., New York City. 
Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. *Hewes, H. B. vice president, Southern 
Glenn, BK. C., Varnville, 8. C. Cypress Manufacturers’ Association, 
Goedde, Bdmund, B. Goedde & Co, East Jeanerette, La. 
St. Louis, Ill *Hicks, P. R., secretary, American Wood 
Goodfellow, F. G. secretary, National Preservers’ Association, Chicago, Ill. 
Wood Chemical Co., Bradford, Pa. *Hicks, 8. D., Southern Wood Preserving 
#Goodman, R. B., Goodman Lumber Co. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
Goodman, Wis. *Higgins, C. A., Hercules Power Co., Wilm- 
*(Goodwillie, D. L., chairman, National ington, Del. 
Forest Policy Commission, Chicago, IIL Hill, Charles, A. C. Tuxbury Lumber Co., 
*Goodwin, Blliot H., resident vice presi- New York City. ii 
dent, Chamber of Commerce of the Hodges, C. V., National Association of Box 
United States of America, Washington. Ne 844 Rush Street, Chi- 
D.C. cago, Ill. 
cain, Col. A. C., president, Great Hodgkins, H. L., dean, George Washington 
Southern Lumber Co., Buffalo, N. Y. University, Washington, D. C. 
*Gore, H. M., Secretary of Agriculture, *Hofmann, J. V. State Forest School, 
Washington, D. C I Mount Ao Ey : £6 i 
* 5. 1. Balti 3 il- oggson, N. V. Associa ion of Genera 
col J alfimgre ant onto fl eit oe ie” Row” Rk 
more, Md. : : City. ” 
Goss, Dr. w. F. M., president, Railway *Hogue, C, J, manager, West Coast Forest 
Cnr Niue Association, New Holden, Hale, president, Chicago, Burling: 
‘ o on Quincey Railroad, icago, . 
Calls, 1. Fe Leh Perkins pole, E. C., secretary-manager, American 
ans Coy anaes 5 blond United Top german, Chicago: 1 E : a 
States Department of Agriculture, Holand, Los, Hatin Be 
raghington, D. C. Hollis, Allen, president, Society for Pro- 
aves. i Bory or Dean, Yale Forest tection of New Hampshire Forests, 
chool, New ven, Conn. Yoncord, N° H. 
#Greeley, W. B., United States Forest Serv- Holloway, G. H., Utley-Holloway Saw- 
ice (Chief), Washington, D.C. mill Co. {mel Chicago, Ill. 
orem, Loeoln, asMsiont o presias, Holmes J. §., State forester, Chapel Hill, 
Southern Railway, Washington, D. C. JC. 
Gries, John M., Bureau of Standards, *Holmes, R. M., Studebaker Corporation, 
Washington, D. C.  ° : South Bend, Ind. 
*Guettler, H. W., president, Fiber Making *Holt, W. A., Holt Lumber Co., Oconto, 
Processes (Inc.), Chicago, Ill “‘. Wis. ; 
*Guthrie, W. A., State department of con- Holtman, . Dudley F., construction engi- 
versation, Indianapolis, Ind. neer, National Lumber Manufacturers’ 
*ITaines, Roscoe, Anaconda Copper Mining Association, Washington, D.C, 
Mo €, Anaco Dp! & Hoover, Herbert, Secretary of Commerce, 
ai Bre Sonn radon Southern " Woshinghon, ©. C. meg 
y s ’ J. H..astate r 
ffantie Mariume Corporation, Wash- ion, ee eagent. of edn 
ngton, D. C. 5 Hormes, W. Thos., M. L. Himmel & 8 
“Hallet, i. I, National Lead Co., 105 York (ine, Batijmote, Sd: © or 
reet, Brooklyn, N. Y. ornby, H. C., president, Cloquet Lum- 
tHamar, EK. A. Worcester Lumber Co., ber Co., Cloquet, Minn. 9 
. Chassell, Mich. Horning, W. H., Pennsylvania State 
Hamilton, M., United States Forest Serv- Forestry School, Mount Alto, Pa. 
ice, Washington, D. C. . tHosford, Roger I., American Telephone 
Harrell, E. C., secretary, Georgia—Florida & Telegraph Co., New York City. 
Sawmill Association, Jacksonville, Fla. #ouston, Geo. T.,. president, Houston 
*Hartley, C. P., Bureau of Plant Industry, Bros., Meniphis, Tenn. 
Washington, D. C. “Howe, Dr. H. I, editor, Industrial & 
Hart, Harris, State board for vocational Pnalneering Chemistry, Washington, 
training, Richmond, Va. a we 
Hartness, James, president, American Fn- *Huherd, B i Sones, Wash. 
gineering Council, Springfield, Vt. Hudson, R. M., epaztment of Commerce, 
“Haskell, Frank I., M. M. Carney Mill Co. Washington, D.C. 
Atmore, Ala d Hummel, J. resident, Humnel-Ross 
, Add. fiber Corporation, Hopewell, va. 
He S sey Se Lumber Co, *Hunt, Geo. 3, Forest Products Labora- 
, , ory, Madison, Wis. 
Hawes, Apia F., State forester. New Hurd, G. B., president, Railway Tire, Cro. 
*Ha, Aven oon tstent tneer. Duluth tective Association, Chicago, TIL. 
VA Tn. oe ion Sh Duluth, *Hrtanis, C¢. W., Hammermill Paper Co., 
H ’ ’ frie, Pa. 
Minn. * hi: . 
“Hayden, V. F., Agricultural Publishers’ Tr I of 
ioiation, 46 West Monroe. Chicago, Hillis, 8p Liendent, National 
: al Associati i i 
“Hedley, Bo%: Pritt Biates Forest Serv- as Sy fe, Phladam A onsnis 
ce, Washington, D. C. Tenn. : 
*Heim, A. L., Porat Products Laboratory, Jenkins, D. W., Henry Disston & Sons, 
Madison, Wis. Philadelphia, Pa. 

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