Full text: Report of the Trade Barriers Committee presented to the Preparatory Committee of the Economic Conference of the League of Nations

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Sub-Committee No. 5 : Customs (Technical Questions). 
Chairman : Member : Reporter : 
Mr. K. Kotzenberg Mr. Targetti. Mr. M. Henriquet 
Sub-Committee No. 6 : International Industrial Ententes. 
Chairman : Members : 
Mr. G. Roché. Mr. A. Apold, Mr. L. de Bay, Mr. Belloni, Mr. Hodac, 
Mr. E. Mayrisch, Mr. Meinhardt, Mr. R. T. Nugent, Mr. 
A. Philips, Mr. Fentener van Vlissingen. 
Sub-Committee No. 7 : Co-ordination and Propaganda. 
Chairman : Members : 
Mr. Ed. Dolléans. Mr. E. A. Filene. Mr. Hamm, Mr. Jelf, Mr. A. de Laver- 
gne, Mr. Basil Miles, Mr. R. Riedl, 
Questionnaires were addressed by the Chairmen of the Sub-Committees to all National Committees of the Inter- 
national Chamber of Commerce. 
The National Committees sent in their replies to these questionnaires in August and September. The 
Sub Committees held meetings as follows : 
September 22nd. Treatment of Foreigners, and Legal and Social Discriminations. 
September 23rd. Prohibitions of Importation and Exportation. 
September 24th. Customs (Technical questions). 
September 25th. International Industrial Ententes 
September 27th. Obstructions to Transportation. 
September 28th. Co-ordination and Propaganda. 
September 29th. Co-ordination and Propaganda. 
October 4th. Financial Difficulties. 
October 16th. Co-ordination and Propaganda. 
The reports and resolutions adopted by each of the Sub-Committees were co-ordinated and presented to the 
Central Committee of the Trade Barriers Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, at its meeting on 
October 18th. and to the Council of the International Chamber of Commerce at its meeting on October 20th.

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