Full text: Report of the Trade Barriers Committee presented to the Preparatory Committee of the Economic Conference of the League of Nations

The Trade Barriers Committee after consideration Is of opinion 
of the tendencies of the various Governments and the 
state of public opinion in the countries belonging to the that it is therefore desirable that national laws instead 
International Chamber of Commerce concerning inter- of being made more stringent should be given greater 
national industrial ententes ; of the aim and scope elasticity and amended so as to permit the conclusion 
of the various ententes entered into or about to of international industrial ententes : 
bs oneludee on uh Sle views and suggestions put that such ententes should respect the right of all 
‘ nations to have free use of raw materials and, in conse- 
Whereas ententes between producers of various coun- quence, should take into account theinterests of transform- 
tries, favourable to the participating industries by the ation industries : 
elimination of ruinous competition, are equally favourable that the development of international industrial 
to the community it they respect the interests of labour, ententes is strongly to be recommended ; 
of consumers and of trade : and abuses to which such 
ententes may lead carry with them their own remedy that in addition to the advantages above enumerated 
by giving'rise to fresh competition : and such ententes may contribute to the solution of tariff 
problems existing between the various governments, by 
Whereas by establishing co-operation between the their progressive extension which would provide technical 
same industries carried on in different States, such preparation for the conclusion of commercial agreements 
ententes favour the development of satisfactory personal between the Governments concerned. 
relations and in particular provide the participating 
countries with the means of reaching a sound economic 
basis, despite the currency troubles existing in certain The Trade Barriers Committee recommends 
countries : 
Whereas such ententes have a tendency to improve |. That the International Chamber of Commerce 
conditions of manufacture by a better utilization of should collect and compile all possible data concerning 
machinery, a more scientific organization of production international industrial ententes of all kinds their 
and a more rational distribution of products, and that information, their aims. their influence on prices etc. 
by the decrease of overhead expenses and costs of distrib- 
ution and by the specialization they entail auch ententes 2. That the International Chamber of Commerce 
insure the continuity of industrial output favourable should transmit the text of the above resolution to those 
to labour and the stabilization and even reduction of concerned calling their attention to the existence of the 
cost and sale prices favourable to consumers. Court of Arbitration. 

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