Full text: An Introduction to the theory of statistics

order and aggregate of classes, different values of p and n, 294, 
10-11; ultimate classes, 12; 295; experimental illustrations 
positive classes, 13-14; consist- of, 258, 259 (qu. 1 and qu. 2), 274, 
ence of class-frequencies, 17-24 371 ; graphic method of forming 
(see Consistence) ; association of, a representation of series, 295- 
25-59, 377-381 (see Association) ; 297 ; mechanical method of form- 
sampling of, 254-334 (see Sam- ing a representation of series, 297— 
pling of attributes). 299; refs, 313; direct deter- 
Averages, generally, 106-132 ; def., mination of mean and standard- 
107 ; desirable properties of, 107— deviation, 299-300 ; deduction of 
108; forms of, 108; average in normal curve from, 301-302; 
sense of arithmetic mean, 109; refs., 314. 
refs., 129-130. See Mean, Median, Bispham, J. W., refs., errors of 
Mode. sampling in partial correlations, 
Axes, principal, in correlation, 321— 395. 
322. Blakeman, J., refs., tests for line- 
arity of regression, 209, 354 ; prob- 
able error of contingency co- 
BACHELIER, L., refs., Calcul des efficient, 354. 
probabilités, 396 ; Le jeu, la chance. Boole, G., refs., Laws of Thought, 23. 
et le hasard, 396. Booth, Charles, on pauperism, 193, 
Barlow, P., tables of squares, etc., 195. 
67. Refs., 357. Borel, E., refs., Théorie des proba- 
Barometer heights, table, 96; dia- bilités, 360. 
gram, 97 ; means, medians, and  Bortkewitsch, L. von, law of small 
modes, 122. chances, 265-266, 370; time- 
Bateman, H., refs., law of small distributions, 389; refs., law of 
chances, 273. small chances, 273, 393. 
Bateson, W., data cited from, 37, Bowley, A. L., refs., effect of errors 
380-381. on an average, 356 ; on sampling, 
Beaven, E. S., refs., yield trials, 396. 354 ; Measurement of Groups and 
Beetles (Chrysomelide), sizes of Series, 354 ; Elements of Statistics, 
genera, 363-364. 360, 396 ; Elementary Manual of 
Beeton, Miss M., data cited from, 78. Statistics, 360 ; cost of living, 390 ; 
Bennett, T. L., refs., cost of living, index numbers, 391; Prices and, 
390. Wages, 1914-20, 391. 
Bernoulli, J., vefs., Ars Conjectandi, — and L. R. Connor, statistical 
360. grouping and formule, ref., 394. 
Berry, R. A., refs., variation in  Bravais, A., refs., correlation, 188, 
mangels, 396; errors in feeding | 332. 
experiments, 396. British Association, data cited from, 
Bertillon, J., ref., Cours élémentaire stature, 88; weight, 95, see 
de statistique, 6, 359. Stature ; Weight; Reports on 
Bertrand, J. L. F., refs., Calcul des index-numbers ; refs., 130-131. 
probabilités, 360. Address by A. L. Bowley on sam- 
Betz, W., ref., Ueber Korrelation, pling, 354. 
360. Brown, J. W., refs., index-correla- 
Bias in sampling, 261-262, 279-281, tions, 266, 252. 
336-337, 343, 353. Brown, W., refs., effect of experi- 
— in scale-reading, 362-363. mental errors on the correlation- 
Bielfeld, Baron, J. F. von, use of coefficient, 226 ; Zhe Hssentials of 
word ‘ statistics,” 1. Mental Measurement, 360, 396. 
Binomial series, 291-300; genesis ‘Brownlee, J., refs., frequency curves 
of, in sampling of attributes, (epidemiology), 394. 
291-293 ; . calculated series for Bruns, H., refs., Wahrscheinlich- 

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