Full text: An Introduction to the theory of statistics

INDEX. 4.09 
keitsrechnung und Kollektivmass- | Coefficient, of association, 37-39 ; of 
lehre, 360. contingency, 64-67 ; of variation, 
Brunt, D., refs., The Combination of 149, standard error, 351 ; of cor- 
Observations, 397. relation, see Correlation. 
Collins, H. S., refs., agricultural ex- 
CAVE, BeEaTrICE M., correlation dif- periments, 396. 
ference method, 198 ; refs., 208. Colours, naming a pair, example of 
Cave-Browne-Cave, F. E., correlation contingency, 379-380. 
difference method, 198; refs., 208. Connor, R. I. See Bowley. 
Census (England and Wales), tabu-  Consistence, of class-frequencies for 
lation of infirmities in, 14-15; attributes, generally, 17-24; def., 
data as to infirmities cited from, 18-19 ; conditions, for one or two 
32-33 ; classification of occupa- attributes, 20; for three attri- 
tions, as example of a hetero- butes, 21-22; refs., 23. 
geneous classification, 72; classi- — of correlation-coefficients, 250- 
fication of ages, 80, and refs., 105; 251. 
data as to ages of husbands and Contingency tables, def., 60 ; treat- 
wives cited from, 159. ment of, by elementary methods, 
Chance, in sense of complex causa- 61-63 ; isotropy, 68-71, 328-331, 
tion, 30 ; of success or failure of testing of divergence from in- 
an event, 256. dependence, 378-380. 
Chances, law of small, 265-266, — coefficient of, 64-67; applica- 
363-367 ; refs., 273, 393. tion to correlation tables, 167, (qu. 
Charlier, C. V. L., refs., theory of 3) 189; standard error of (refs.), 
frequency curves, resolution of a 355, 395; partial or multiple con- 
compound normal curve, 314, 315, tingency (refs.), 390. 
393. Contrary classes and frequencies (for 
Childbirth, deaths in, application of attributes), 10; case of equality 
theory of sampling, 282-284. of contrary frequencies (qu. 6, 7, 
Cholera and inoculation, illustra- 8),16; (qu. 8), 24; (qu. 7, 8,9), 59. 
tions, 31-32, 34-35, 383-384. Correction of death-rates, ete., for 
Chrysomelid ee, distribution of size of age and sex-distribution, 223-225 ; 
genus, 363-364. refs., 226, 392. 
Church, A. E. R., refs., probable — of standard-deviation for group- 
errors, 395. ing of observations, 211-212 ; refs. 
Class, in theory of attributes, 8; (including correction of moments 
class symbol, 9; class-frequency, generally), 225. 
10 ; positive and negative classes, Correction of correlation-coefficient 
10 ; ultimate classes, 12 ; order of for errors of observation, 213-214 ; 
a class, 10. refs., 225-226, 391-392. 
Classification, generally, 8; by di- Correlation, generally, 157-253 ; con- 
chotomy, def., 9; manifold, 60- struction of tables, 164 ; represen- 
74, 76 ; homogeneous and hetero- tation of frequency-distribution 
geneous, 71-72; of a variable for by surface, 165-167 ; treatment of 
frequency-distribution or corre- table by coefficient of contingency, 
lation table, 76, 80-81, 157, 164. 167 ; correlation-coefficient, 170— 
Class-interval, def., 76 ; choice of 174, def. 174, direct deduction, 
magnitude and position, 79-80, 231-233; regressions, 175-177, 
362-363 ; desirability of equality direct deduction, 365-366, def. 
of intervals, 76, 82-83 ; influence 175; standard-deviations of 
of magnitude on mean, 113-114, arrays, 177, 204, 205; calculation 
115, 116 ; on standard deviation, of coefficient for ungrouped data, 
140, 212. 177-181, for a grouped table, 181- 
Cloudiness at Breslau, frequency- 188 ; between movements of two 
distribution, 103 ; diagram, 104. variables, difference method, 197— 
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