Full text: Essays of Benjamin Franklin

: Benjamin Franklin [1766 
By Mr. Greenwille . Nos. go to 97, 122 to 148, inclusive. 
‘“ Marquis of Granby . .!'Nos. rod, 103, ' 
ti Lord North. . Nos) 708'to 127, 140 to 756, | | ¢ 
*“ Mr. Thurloe, King’s counsel-at-law . 157to 162, 
“Mr. Cooper, Secretary of the Treasury,163to 173, 
In this list we do not find the names of Nugent, Ellis, 
Bacon, Saville, or Prescott, while in the other list we do 
not find the names of Lord Clare, Burke, Marquis of 
Granby, Lord North, or Thurlow.— EDITOR. 

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