Full text: Essays of Benjamin Franklin

g Benjamin Franklin [1784 
The agriculture and fisheries of the United States 
are the great sources of increasing wealth. He that 
puts a seed into the earth is recompensed, perhaps, 
by receiving forty out of it; and he who draws a fish 
out of our water, draws up a piece of silver. 
Let us (and there is no doubt but we shall) be 
attentive to these, and then the power of rivals, with 
all their restraining and prohibiting acts, cannot much 
hurt us. We are sons of the earth and seas, and, 
like Antaeus in the fable, if, in wrestling with a Her- 
cules, we now and then receive a fall, the touch of our 
parents will communicate to us fresh strength and 
vigor to renew the contest. 

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