Full text: Monograph of the electrical industry

4. and 5. Number of Workers Employed; 
Unemployed; Working Hours. 
In the table of total production of the electrical industry, 
the number of workers employed in the countries under review 
is shown in columns 5 and 10. As regards these figures, as 
the notes indicating their sources show, reliable data was only 
obtainable for the countries which issue official statistics on 
electrical production. Otherwise the figures are based on 
estimates, obtained partly from the trade organisations of the 
individual countries, and partly from other well informed 
sources. Particular difficulty was experienced in determining 
the number of manual workers, in the case of countries in 
which the available figures related to the total number of 
persons employed. In such case a definite ratio between the 
numbers of manual workers and other persons employed had 
to be assumed and a corresponding deduction made from the 
The ratio between manual workers and other employed 
persons varies in the different branches of the industry, and 
also depends on the nature of the sales’ organisation of the 
manufacturers concerned. Where manufacture is carried on 
by “mass” production methods, the number of manual workers 
will be smaller, as compared to other employed persons, than 
where single” production is adopted. In times of temporary 
economic depression, the number of persons employed on the 
staff will be relatively greater compared to the number of 
manual workers, as the contracts of the latter are easier to 
The total number of manual workers 
employed in the electrical industry of the 
world may be put at 800000 to gooooo, so that 
the total ‘persons ‘employed probably 
namber 1,1 to 1,2 millions. 
Number of Unemployed. 
No particulars can be given on this point, as, with the 
exception of England, no country prepares unemployment 
statistics specially relating to the electrical industry. ; 
Where subdivision is made, it includes the whole of the 
metal industry. 
Working Hours. 
This question is not dealt with in the present Report.

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