Full text: Prize law during the world war

Brage, (Ger.) 404, 410, 424, 480, 
Breslau, (Br.) 29 
Bretland, (Ger.) 59, 469 
Brussels, (Belg.) 40, 98 
Buono Sorte, (Aust.) 186 
Colenso, (Aust.) 174 
Colon, (Ital.) 292 
Colonia, (Fr.) 81, 309, 334 
Commodore, (Aust.) 61, 198 
Comte de Smet de Naeyer, (Ger.) 
144, 190, 208 
Concadoro, (Br.) 223, 224 
Constantinos, (Br.) 258, 409, 417, 
Consul Corfitzon, (Br.) 93, 126 
Consul Olsson, (Br.) 486 
Corcovado, (Fr.). See Souhl ex 
Corningliano, (Aust.) 61 
Corsican Prince, (Br.) 3, 37, 56. 
70, 120, 479 
Cotentin, (Fr.) 385, 419, 423 
Craft Captured on Lake Victoria 
Nyanza, (Br.) 157 
Craigisla, (Br.) 55, 405, 439, 475 
Cretic, (Br.) 466, 492 
Cubano, (Ger.) 85, 115, 319 
Cumberland, (Br.) 16 
Cydnus, (Fr.) 18, 280, 292 
Czar Nicolai II, (Fr.) 79, 135, 229. 
233. 374. 383. 488 
Caboto (Br.). See Dandolo and 
Cadorna, (Fr.) 412 
Caique, (Fr.) 292 
Cairnsmore and Gunda, (Br.) 10, 
Caledonia, (Aust.) 113 
Canadia, (Br.) 466 
Canopus, (Br.) 28 
Canton, (Br.) 101 
Cape Corso, (Br.). 
and Cape Corso 
Carmania, (Br.) 28 
Castor, (Br.). See Vesta and 
other vessels 
Cathay, (Br.) 262 
Cervignano and Friuli, (Ital.) 145, 
184, 237, 288 
C. Ferd Laeisz, (Fr.) 18, 276, 383 
Chalutier No. 20, (Fr.) 139 
Chantaboon, Patriu and other ves- 
sels, (Siam.) 102, 111, 112, 188, 
196, 219 
Chateaubriand, (Br.) 492 
Chile, (Br.) 78, 110, 116, 120, 225, 
Dacia, (Fr.) 120, 304, 313, 314 
Daksa, (Br.) 85, 368 
Dandolo and Caboto, (Br.) 153, 
Dante, (Aust.) 174 
Davanger, (Ger.) 47, 88, 114, 115, 
201, 471 
De Brussels 31, (Ger.) 60, 320 
Deike Rickmers, (Chin.) 108, 202, 
Delos, Lesbos and Lipsos, (Belg.) 
Demodocus, (Br.). See City of 
Lincoln and Demodocus 
Den of Arlie, (Br.) 372 
Den of Glamis, (Br.) 28, 167 
Derflinger, (Br.) 332, 348 
Derflinger No. 2, (Br.) 353, 358 
Derflinger No. 3. (Br.) 338, 339 
China, (Chin.) 311 
Christian Boles, (Jap.) 8, 449 
Chrysopolis, (Ital.) 59, 448 
Chumpon and other vessels, (Br.) 
255, 259 
Citta di Messina, (Aust.) 61 
City of Lincoln and Demodocus, 
(Br.) 422 
Clan Grant, (Br.) 344, 378 
Clan MacTavish and Ballarat, 
(Br.) 62, 149 
Clan Urquhart, (Br.) 482 
Cocos. (Ger.) 415 471. 496

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