Full text: The theory and practice of the sliding scale, familiarly explained and illustrated

tablés will, I think, clearly show. The first time they 
were worked lately, was in the year 1838 ; the years 
1833-4-5-6, having produced average crops, there 
was no importation of foreign wheat, except in small 
parcels for seed, &c.; but the harvest of 1837 
having proved considerably below an average crop, 
it was soon evident that foreign corn would be 
wanted, and speculation became rife. The holders 
of foreign. corn having been locked up nearly five 
years, a release was eagerly looked for, and it was 
thus obtained 
But, before proceeding to an explanation, I must 
observe that the annexed tables are of wheat only, 
that being the most important article ; and are con- 
fined to the London market, that being the leading 
market of the kingdom : although simultaneous 
operations were going on at all the principal pro- 
vincial markets, as Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Leeds, 
Wakefield, Newark, Boston, Newcastle. &c. Kec. 
In the first column of the Table, No. I, I have 
given the weekly date of each return; in the se- 
cond, the arrival of British (including English, 
Irish, and Scotch) wheat in the port of London ; in 
the third, the actual market prices, copied from the 
factors’ printed price currents, forwarded by them 
each Monday to their farmers and correspondents 
in the country ; the fourth column contains the re- 
turn of British wheat sold in the London market, and 
the weekly average price—to this column, in compa- 
rison with the two preceding ones, I wish to direct 
the reader’s attention, as supporting my allegation of 
fictitious sales at fictitious prices being returned to 
the inspector by the factor, at the instance of the 
merchant ; the fifth and sixth columns show the 
general six weeks’ average, and the duty resulting 
therefrom ; and in the last column is shown the arri- 
vals of foreign wheat in London, and in this column 
the reader will, I think, see at once that the mer-

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