Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

which in the aggregate now exceed those of the Federal government. 
There is imperative necessity for economy in all government activi- 
ties,—federal, state and local,—in order to preserve and foster the 
spirit of free business enterprise and thrift. (Resolution, Twelfth 
Annual Meeting, 1924.) 
The Chamber of Commerce of the United States has recognized 
the desirability of improved budget procedure on the part of state 
and local governments and the development of an informed public 
opinion which can be focused effectively on all budget proposals 
made by spending officers. Chambers of commerce in every part 
of the country are vitally interested in the burdens of taxation. 
They are in an advantageous position to assume leadership in 
making critical examinations of all proposed public expenditures in 
their localities, and thus promote thrift and economy, locally and 
nationally. The organizations in the membership are asked to 
assume this leadership and are assured that the interest of the 
Chamber of Commerce of the United States will continue unabated. 
(Resolution, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 1926.) 
There should be no attempt by statute to forbid discriminations 
in prices of commodities. 
A proposal to compel persons controlling the product of mines 
to sell to all applicants “who may be responsible” is wrong in 
principle and unworkable in practice. 
There should not be statutory prohibition of conditions accom- 
panying sales and leases to the effect that buyers or lessees cannot 
handle or use the products of competitors. 
The final decree in an equity suit brought by the Government 
which establishes the existence or the nonexistence of a restraint of 
trade or of a monopoly should be conclusive evidence as to the 
same general fact in private actions brought against the same 
defendants under the antitrust laws. 
Interlocking of directors among competitive business corpora- 
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