Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

The reduction of crime can only be accomplished by an awak- 
ened public opinion and a stimulation of public action in the 
restoration of respect for the authority of the state in the perform- 
ance of its fundamental duty of protecting the person and property 
of its citizens. 
In order that there may be adequate remedy for the situation, 
we call upon the members of the Chamber of Commerce of the 
United States to cooperate to the fullest extent with the organiza- 
tions which have been set up in their states to make careful studies 
and propose corrective measures. In states in which there are not 
now organizations for this purpose we strongly urge upon the mem- 
bers of the Chamber that they use their efforts toward creating such 
organizations and strive for their success. (Resolution, Fourteenth 
Annual Meeting, 1926.) 
Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the United States 
approves the report of the Committee on Daylight Saving and 
recommends that appropriate legislation be enacted by the Congress 
of the United States to move forward the clock one hour in each 
of the several time zones in the United States for not less than five 
months in each year. (Resolution, Fifth Annual Meeting, 1917.) 
It is necessary that the youth of the land be educated to intelli- 
gent lives of service and efficiency in chosen occupations. 
Half of all our children now leave school by the end of the 
sixth grade with only the rudiments of education which, in large 
part, they speedily forget, and with no preparation or guidance for 
life work. 
The statistics are startling, and in sad contrast to the better 
practice of most of the nations of northern Europe. 
Therefore Resolved, That the establishment of Vocational 
Schools of manufacture, commerce, agriculture, and home economics 
throughout the land is imperative, and to the end that action may 

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