Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

to earn a living at fair wages, to reasonable hours of work and 
working conditions, to a decent home, and to the enjoyment of 
proper social conditions. 
Fixing of a basic day as a device for increasing compensation is 
a subterfuge that should be condemned. 
Efficient production in conjunction with adequate wages is 
essential to successful industry. Arbitrary restriction on out-put 
below reasonable standards is harmful to the interests of wage 
earners, employers and the public and should not be permitted. 
Industry, efficiency and initiative, wherever found, should be encour- 
aged and adequately rewarded, while indolence and indifference 
should be condemned. 
Consideration of reduction in wages should not be reached until 
possibility of reduction of costs in all other directions has been 
Administration of employment and management of labor should 
be recognized as a distinct and important function of management 
and accorded its proper responsibility in administrative organization. 
A system of national employment offices, with due provision for 
cooperation with existing state and municipal systems, can be made 
under efficient management and if conducted with due regard to 
the equal interests of employers and employees in its proper admin- 
istration, a most helpful agency, but only if all appointments are 
made strictly subject to the Civil Service law and rules. Policies 
governing the conduct of a national system of employment offices 
should be determined in conjunction with advisory boards,— 
national, state and local, —equally representative of employers and 
employees. (Referendum No. 27, submitted April 16, 1919.) 
Every person possesses the right to engage in any lawful business 
or occupation and to enter, individually or collectively, into any 
lawful contract of employment, either as employer or employee. 
These rights are subject to limitation only through a valid exercise 
of public authority. 
The right of open-shop operation, that is, the right of employer 
and employee to enter into and determine the conditions of employ- 

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