Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

revenue but should be reduced to the total in each state which will 
adequately support such state’s departmental supervision, and a 
uniform principle of taxing the holders of insurance should be 
adopted throughout the states. (Resolution, Twelfth Annual Meet- 
ing, 1924.) 
Although the Chamber has gone on record as disapproving 
monopolistic state compensation insurance, it records its approval 
of the prinapte of workmen’s compensation in legislation for indus- 
trial accidents. (Resolution, Twelfth Annual Meeting, 1924.) 
Insurance, being a method of distribution of individual economic 
loss and indispensable to commerce and industry as well as to the 
people generally, is a proper subject of state legislation and regula- 
tion. The state is concerned, in the public interest, with the main- 
tenance of the solvency of the insurer as well as with the observance 
of the broad principles under which equitable treatment may be 
obtained by all users of insurance. 
Effective state regulation demands competent and adequately 
compensated officials conversant with insurance principles. These 
state officials should, at public expense, cooperate with the like 
officials of other states to bring about desirable uniformity in legis- 
lation, taxation, solvency tests, rating systems, classifications of 
standards, uniformity of returns, licenses and investments. 
Rates for insurance should be predicated upon systems of 
charges for unfavorable elements and credits for favorable elements 
or conditions to the end that such rates may be uniform and non- 
discriminatory as between risks of the same hazard, and coinsur- 
ance, or average distribution, should be permitted. To this end 
aniformly established systems of risk measurement applied through 
rating bureaus or other expert bodies are essential. 
The principle of reciprocity between the states is advocated to 
the end that investments shall be determined by the quality of the 
security regardless of the situs, that taxes may be fair and levied 
directly without regard to local investment requirements, depart- 
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