Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

Nevertheless we consider it desirable to restate the position of 
the Chamber on this subject, previously expressed by a duly author- 
ized referendum of all of its constituents. 
In order to avoid the complete disturbance of business which 
invariably follows a general revision of the tariff, we believe that a 
permanent tariff commission for the continuous study of the subject 
should be organized, with sufficiently stable tenure of office to be 
independent of all political considerations. 
All information secured by such commission should be available 
to either House of Congress and to the President, should be confined 
to ascertained facts, and should exclude recommendations unless 
called for. (Resolution, Third Annual Meeting, 1915.) 
Legislation should be enacted permitting in the event of changes 
of economic factors adjustment of tariff rates by administrative 
authorities within limits prescribed by Congress for the purpose of 
maintaining a consistent tariff policy. 
A Tariff Adjustment Board should be created to administer 
adjustable rates. 
There should be reasonable protection for American industries 
subject to destructive competition from abroad and of benefit to 
any considerable section of the country. 
The anti-dumping legislation of May, 1921, should be main- 
tained in principle. 
The principle of maintenance and encouragement of our export 
trade should be observed in tariff legislation so far as consistent 
with reasonable protection for American industries of benefit to any 
considerable section of the country and subject to destructive com- 
petition from abroad. 
Tariff legislation should be framed and administered with a view 
to meeting discriminations, direct or indirect, by other countries 
against American trade. (Referendum No. 37, submitted December 
Safeguarding the public revenues, making effective the provi- 
sions of our tariff laws, and protection of honest importers against 
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