Full text: National banking under the Federal Reserve System

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ITH the consent of the Comptroller, and by the vote of the 
V . shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock, a national bank 
may change its name or may change its location to any other locality 
in the same state not more than thirty miles distant. 
Due notice of the meeting at which the proposal to change a bank’s 
name or location is to come up, must be given to the stockholders. 
The resolution adopting the proposal by a two-thirds vote and 
authorizing the Treasurer of the United States to assign to the bank 
under its new title any bonds held to secure circulation, must be 
sent to the Comptroller. An order for plates and circulation to con- 
form to the new title should, of course, be submitted at the same 
No change of name or location is valid until the Comptroller's 
certificate of approval is issued, and a change of name does not in 
any way affect the liabilities or rights of the bank as they existed 
under the old name. 
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