Full text: National banking under the Federal Reserve System

[yen member bank in the Federal Reserve System is required 
~ to keep on deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank of its district 
certain cash reserve balances which are designated in the paragraphs 
following. “Demand deposits,” within the meaning of the act, com- 
prise all deposits payable within 80 days; “time deposits” comprise 
all deposits payable after 30 days and all savings accounts and certifi- 
cates of deposit subject to not less than 30 days’ notice before pay- 
ment, and all postal savings deposits. 
1. Reserve Requirements for Banks not in Reserve Cities'—Not less 
than 7 per cent. of the aggregate amount of demand deposits and 8 
per cent. of its time deposits. 
2. Reserve Requirements for Banks in Reserve Cities—Not less than 
10 per cent. of demand deposits and 3 per cent. of time deposits. 
If located in the outlying districts of a reserve city or in territory added to such 
a city by extension of its corporate charter, the bank may upon the affirmative 
vote of five members of the Federal Reserve Board, maintain the reserve bal- 
ances specified in Paragraph 1 above. 
3. Reserve Requirements for Banks in Central Reserve Cities—Not 
less than 13 per cent. of demand deposits and 3 per cent. of time 
If located in the outlying districts of a central reserve city or in territory added 
to such city by the extension of its corporate charter, the bank may, upon the 
affirmative vote of five members of the Federal Reserve Board, maintain the 
reserve balances specified in Paragraphs 1 or 2 above. 
A member bank’s balance at its Federal Reserve Bank may under 
certain conditions be checked against and withdrawn for the purpose 
of meeting existing liabilities. (See “Loans,” Paragraph 6, Page 63.) 
10entral Reserve Cities—New York and Chicago. 
Reserve Cities—Boston, Albany, Brooklyn and Bronx, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Balti- 
more, Washington, Richmond, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, 
El Paso, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston, San Antonio, Waco, Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis, 
Nashville, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Indianapolis, Peoria, Detroit, Grand Rapids, 
Milwaukee, Mizneapolis, St. Paul, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Dubuque, Sioux City, St. Louis, 
Kansas City, Mo., St. Joseph, Lincoln, Omaha, Kansas City, Kans., Topeka, Wichita, Helena, 
Denver, Pueblo, Muskogee, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Seattle, Spokane, Pores Los Angeles, Oak- 
and, San Francisco, Ogden, Salt Lake City. 
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