Full text: Der österreichische Exporteur

AUSTRIAN IMPORT DUTIES are based almost exelusively on the weight os goods and 
Only in the case of some chemicals an ad valorem duty is charged, while in regard to motor 
vehicles and to some woollen fabries a combined weight and ad valorem duty is levied. The 
amount of duties has been fixed in the tariff in terms of gold kronen but the duties are payable 
in schillings, one gold krone equalling 1-44 schilling. 
NO EXPORT DUTIES are in existence in Austria, but in the case of a number of gx00ds, 
the most important of which are stated hereunder, INTERNAL EXPORT TAXES are levied, These 
taxes have likewise been fixed in gold kronen per hundred kilos, unless otherwise stated. 
Kxport Taxes: 
Bladders and guts HH 
Hides and skins, raw... EN 
Horns, horn plates, horn points, claws, bones 
Scrap and waste iron and steel . N 
Machines, locomotives and underframes (used) 
Animal and artificial manure . 
Broken glass, 
Paper, waste 
On objects of historical, artistie or cultural importance an export tax amounting to ten per 
cent. of the estimated value is charged. 
Various kinds of timber are also subject to export taxes, which, in the case of the goods 
being forwarded by rail, are not levied on the weight but per truck load. 
NO EXPORT PROHIBITIONS exist, but certain specified goods, the most important of which 
are stated hereunder, can be exported with a SPECIAL PERMIT only: Molasses, beetroots, cattle 
turnips, beetroot seeds, fry, animal hair, bladders and guts (fresh, salted and dry), spirit of at 
least 85°, magnesite, wool and wool waste, artificial silk, skins and hides, horns, horn plate, horn 
points, claws, bones, scrap iron and serap steel, base metals (raw, broken and waste), slags, metal 
ashes, machines, engines and underframes (used), manuring potash salts, molasse coal, tartar 
sulphate of ammonia, lees of wine, calcium cyanamide, pulverised limestone, gas-purifying mass, 
bran-meal, blood-meal, husks, broken glass, oil cakes, husks, paper waste ete, 
Duty is colleeted in Austria on all commereial samples sent from abroad, unless they are 
obviously not meant for use as an ordinary merchandise. The amount of duty can be deposited 
and will be restituted, if the samples are returned within a given time, 
Commercial Travellers 
Foreign travellers coming to Austria require a valid passport with an Austrian visa. Nationals 
of the following countries do not require an Austrian visa on their passports for entering Austrian 
territery: Cuba, Denmark, Danzig, Germany, Finland, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Latvia, 
Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland. Where a. visa is required, it must be given 
by the Austrian representative in whose district the respeetive firm employing the traveller 
has its seat. 
Under art. 496 of the Austrian Trades Regulation Act (Oesterreichische Gewerbeordnung‘) 
foreign travellers acting for foreign firms in Austria are subject to the same legal Provisions as 
Austrian travellers and agents. Proprietors, travellers or agents of foreign firms, if visiting Austrian 
clients, must have a Commercial Travellers? Identity Card (Reisenden-Legitimation) issued by 
the ecmpetent authorities of their country. 
Arbitration Tribunals 
Under the law of February 26%, 1920, defining the sphere of competence of Chambers of 
Commerce (Kammergesetz) Permanent Arbitration Tribun als have been constituted at 
the Austrian Chambers of Commerce at Feldkirch, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg and 
Vienna with jurisdietion in all cases in which recourse to arbitration is permissible. 
Under the Austrian Act regulating the Proceeding in civil law (Zivilprozeßordnung) 
a Private Arbitration Court can be formed in all cases where a written agreement to 
that effect exists between the Contracting parties. The arbitral awards of these tribunal are legally 
enforceable under the Austrian Law

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