Full text: The new agriculture

Job Analysis.—In the second edition a full analysis into jobs 
or teaching units precedes each enterprise chapter. For each job 
are given page references to this and to other texts, and to bulle- 
tins; and local inquiries are suggested. The organization of each 
enterprise has not been changed. The student is led to study each 
problem, each job and each enterprise individually and specifically. 
It is because of the agricultural studies in nearly every State 
of the Union, the wide reading, the extended writing and editorial 
work, and his thirty or more years of agricultural and scientific 
teaching, that the author justifies himself for offering this book 
to the agricultural teachers and students of America. 
Thanks are due to the many Experiment Station experts who 
have freely assisted in providing the latest matter, methods, and 
plans to make the book authentic and up-to-date. A number of 
illustrations are original with the stations. Credit for all illus- 
trations is indicated in each case. 
The following agricultural authorities have each read one or 
more chapters of the manuscript and offered valuable criticisms 
which have been incorporated for the betterment of the book. Most 
of these are in actual teaching service: C. F. Alden, Mrs. Grace 
Allen, O. C. Ault, G. M. Bentley, C. W. Broyles, S. L. Chesnutt, 
D. M. Clements, M. O. Cooper, W. C. Dickinson, A. F. Elsea, 
0. VL. Farris, C. (. Flannery, S. G. Garner, K. T. Hutchinson, 
C. H. Lander, T. T. Lindsey, R. S. Maddox, Horace McMurtry, 
C. M. Miles, E. E. Miller, L. R. Neil, N. D. Peacock, J. S. Pullen, 
J. M. Shaver, C. N. Stark, H. A. Webb, E. A. Wright. 
Mrs. K. C. Davis has read critically the manuscript and 
page proofs. 
Dr. C. H. Lane, Chief of Agricultural Education Service, 
Federal Board for Vocational Education, has read and criticized 
the proofs of the entire book. 

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