Full text: The new agriculture

11. Protecting winter grain, pp. 51, 93, 321; Farm Crops, 128, 130; Bulle- 
tins, 1047, 1405. Local inquiry.— (a) Ask farmers how much loss 
occurs from winter damage in grain fields. (b) Ask them how 
ridging the soil when planting fall grain will help to protect the 
young crop. (c) Get their opinions regarding the use of live- 
stock in pasturing grain in the fall or in open winter weather. 
(d) Get their opinions regarding the use of windbreaks. 
12. Seeding the field to clover, pp, 92, 93, 104, 106, 110, 111, 113, 114, 
159, 162, 163; Farm Crops, 401, 402; Bulletins, 1151, 1339. Local 
Inquiry—(a) Ask local farmers regarding the best time for 
sowing clover seed in the grain field. (5) What rates of seeding 
are followed ? 
13. Controlling insects, diseases, and weeds, pp, 76, 77, 93, 94-96. 110, 
112; Farm Crops, 137-140, 166, 170, 185, 194; Bulletins, 660, 1006, 
1041, 1058, 1213, 1217, 1224, 1260, 1307, 1323, 1397, 1414, 1483. 
Local inquiry— (a) What are the chief diseases and insects 
affecting wheat or other small grains in your region. (b) What 
measures are taken to control these? (¢) What weeds are most 
serious in local grain fields? 
14.. Harvesting the crop, pp. 96-98, 104, 108, 111, 113, 115; Farm Crops, 
132, 167-169, 193, 201. Local inquiry.— (a) Get the opinions of 
farmers who have made hay from cereal crops. (b) Get their 
reasons for and against shocking and stacking. 
15. Thrashing the grain, pp. 98, 104, 108, 110, 113, 115; Farm Crops, 132, 
193, 201; Bulletins, 991, 1287. Local inquiry.— (a) Get farmers 
to give their reasons for thrashing from shock or from stack. 
(b) Find the economical methods of managing thrashing crews. 
16. Storing grain, pp. 97, 99, 104, 109; Farm Crops, 169; Bulletins, 1260, 
1290, 1483. Local inquiry.— (a) Find the sizes and construction 
of grain bins. (5) Compare these with the acreage grown in each 
case. (c¢) Get the opinion of farmers as to the financial benefits 
of storing grain. 
17. Using the straw, pp, 105, 115; Farm Crops, 154, 194; Bulletins, 1049, 
1464. Local inquiry.—(e) What uses are made of straw locally? 
(b) Find the market prices of straw. 
18. Marketing and using grain, pp. 99-101, 104, 105, 109, 113, 116; Farm 
Orops, 130, 133, 170, 201; Bulletins, 1144, 1232, 1287, 1290, 1314, 
1440, 1464. Local inquiry— (a) Find what proportion of the 
grain grown locally is used where grown. (b) What grades of 
each of the grains are produced? (c¢) Get the opinion of farmers 
for and against codperative marketing. 
19. Keeping records and accounting, pp. 18, 19; Bulletins, 511, 572, 782, 
1182. Local inquiry.— (a) Ask farmers regarding the cost of each 
of the jobs in growing the leading local grain crop. (b) Compare 
the total costs with the income from the sales or use.

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