Full text: The new agriculture

8. Sowing and fertilizing, pp. 70-72, 133, 134, 145; Farm Projects, 131; 
Farm Crops, 326-328, 340, 341, 345; Bulletins, 990, 1170. Local 
inquiry— (a) Find rates of sowing alone; with mixtures; with 
nurse crops. (b) Find local methods of sowing. (c¢) Find best 
times for sowing grass in your region. (d) What implements are 
used just before and after sowing. (e) What fertilizing is done 
at or near this time? (f) Get farmers to compare smooth rollers 
with rough rollers when seeding grass. 
9. Caring for crop and cultivating, pp. 133, 142, 143; Farm Crops, 342, 
346; Bulletins, 502, 990. Local inquiry.— (a) Ask local farmers 
how they maintain pastures. (b) Then ask them particularly 
about clipping, harrowing, reseeding and top-dressing. (c) Ask 
them which of these cases would apply to hay fields. (4) Find 
the reasons for some who do not practice these. 
10. Controlling enemies, pp. 76, 77, 152; Farm Crops, 342, 347; Bulle- 
tins, 279, 990, 1247, 1307. Local inquiry—(a) Ask farmers to 
compare weeds with insects and diseases regarding injury to grass 
lands. (b) List the kinds of weeds and classify them into 
annuals and perennials. (c¢) List the cases of disease and insects 
found in your region. 
11. Harvesting and curing hay, pp. 143, 154-156; Farm Projects, 132— 
134; Farm Crops, 346, 347; Bulletins, 502, 990, 1170, 1476, 1525. 
Local inquiry——(a) Find the best practices in curing hay. 
(b) Find the stages in which the different grasses are cut for hay. 
(¢) Ask many growers and determine the average yields of hay. 
(d) Compare rapid curing with slow curing methods in your 
12. Harvesting seed and thrashing, pp. 142, 153, 162; Farm Projects, 
134; Farm Orops, 330, 334, 355; Bulletins, 990, 1525. Local 
inquiry.— (a) What grasses are grown particularly for seed in 
your region? (b) Describe local methods of harvesting and of 
thrashing the seed crop. (c¢) How is the seed cleaned after 
13. Using and maintaining pastures, pp. 132, 332, 358; Farm Crops, 318- 
320, 349, 353, 354; Bulletins, 814, 990, 1476. Local inquiry.— 
(a) Find what care growers exercise in pasturing to prevent 
destruction of grasses. (b) Make a list of farmers who have 
permanent pastures only; those who have temporary pastures 
only; those who have both. (¢) Compare using and misusing 
of pastures. 
14. Feeding hay crops, pp.. 166, 357, 468, 469; Bulletin 990. Local 
inquiry.— (a) To what classes of livestock are the different hay 
crops of your region fed? (b) Find how many different plans 
of handling and feeding the crop are in use. (c¢) Choose the best 
of these and give reasons. 
15. Baling hay and marketing hay and seed, 144, 156; Farm Projects, 
135, 163; Bulletins, 990, 1265, 1525. Local inquiry.— (a) Compare 
local hay balers in size, power, mobility and speed. (b) Find the 
different plans of marketing hay and grass seed. (c¢) Compare 
these and give reasons for and against different plans. 
16. Keeping records, pp. 18, 19; Farm Projects, 32, 35, 78, 79; Bulletins, 
511, 572, 782, 1182. Local inquiry.— (a) Inquire from farmers the 
cost of items in starting, maintaining and harvesting grass fields. 
(b) Get one of the best growers to help you summarize the net 
returns from hay or from pasture.

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