Full text: The new agriculture

of potatoes by planting seed from the spring crop. To do this 
they weather the seed potatoes in a light place for a few weeks 
to induce sprouting. Even with such precautions results are usually 
unsatisfactory. Most growers, therefore, obtain seed for this second 
crop by buying northern-grown seed, which has been held in cold 
storage until a few weeks before planting time. 
Treating Seed Potatoes.—Because of the prevalence of rhizoc- 
tonia, common scab and similar diseases, seed potatoes should 
Fig. 111.—The hills that vield the ost mntlestnble tubers are best to save for seed. 
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invariably be treated to kill the spores on the tubers. Soaking seed 
in formaldehyde solution, one pound to thirty-two gallons, for a 
period of two hours, is sufficient to kill most of these spores. Where 
rhizoctonia or black scab disease has been very serious, corrosive 
sublimate treatment is preferred. Use one common tablet to a pint 
of water. Treatment may be either before or after cutting the 
potatoes. Soak them for thirty minutes. (Figs. 112 and 118.) 
Cutting Potatoes.—In cutting seed potatoes the object is to 
give each eye or group of eyes a share of the storage matter to assist 
in germination and early growing. Experiments have been con- 
ducted to show the sizes for cutting to give best results. It is need- 
less to say that when seed potatoes are very expensive much can 
be saved at planting time by cutting the pieces small. 
Whether this would prove economical at harvest time would 
depend largely on the market price at that time. It is usually 
not advisable to cut the pieces to weigh less than two or three ounces

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