round to otherwise isolated buildings. Planting a tree behind
en house is often as important as planting shrubbery in front of it
Directions for Planting.—Trees and shrubs should not be
cattered promiscuously over the surface of the lawn. They shoul
e planted with a definite scheme in mind. Trees should be plante
‘here they will give proper background, frame attractive views,
nd shade walks, roads, and buildings. Do not try to shade the
ntire surface of the lawn with trees. The best authorities o
landscape gardening recommend planting shrubbery in masses. I
may be used around foundations, along the edges of yards, in cor
ners, at the angles of walks and sometimes at the curves in roads.
i all shrubbery will give a feeling of privacy and screen undesirable
Fic. 206.—An abundant SIppy
of water adds to the possibilities
of beautification. (Skinner Irriga-
tion Companv.)
Fic. 207.—A pond in early spring. Quiet water
adds charm to the landscape. (F. A. Waugh, Massa-
chusetts Agricultural College.)
surroundings. Low shrubbery is chiefly for embellishment. Thorny
shrubs such as dwarf barberry, and Japanese rose, take the place
of fences or require people to follow walks instead of cutting across
lawns. Leave a beautiful greensward to be mowed and give a nea
earance to the place. (Figs. 209 and 207.)
Zines are used to break the monotony of bare walls and soften
he hard lines of projecting corners. Vines on trellises will hide
nsightly buildings or obscure the view of bare lots or gardens
ines should be selected to suit their particular purpose. Fo
ergolas, arbors, wooden or wire trellises, use such vines as clema
tis, grapes, climbing roses, wisteria, Virginia creeper, Madeira and
certain annual vines, such as Japanese bean, morning glory, cyprus
rine, gourd, and prickly cucumber. On fences or buildings o
ement, brick or stone, use Boston ivy, English ivy and Engle
ann’s ivy. These would also be good on old tree trunks 03
stumps. English ivy is evergreen and grows slowly. The others
< more rapid erowth. but lose their leaves in ui RR