ln te
9. Controlling diseases and enemies, pp. 360, 361; Farm Projects, 394—
396; Bulletins, 206, 569, 784, 790, 909, 954, 1017, 1018, 1422. Local
inquiry.— (a) Make a list of diseases which trouble dairy herds
in your region. (b) Find the practices to prevent and care for
each. (c¢) What plans are followed regarding dehorning of cows
and calves? (d) What testing is done to control tuberculosis?
10. Keeping dairy records, pp. 361-363; Farm Projects, 396-398; Bulle-
tins, 511, 572, 782, 1182, 1272. Local inquiry.— (a) Consult Bul-
letin 1446 and ask several farmers to supply weights, test and
feed records for their herds for one month. (b) Ask farmers why
they do or do not keep such records regularly. (c¢) Describe the
working of a cow test association to the dairymen and get their
opinions regarding it.
11. Improving the dairy herd, pp. 351-353; Farm Projects, 396-399;
Bulletins, 993, 1167, 1412, 1446. Local inquiry.— (a) How do
local dairymen cull out their poor producers? (b) Inquire regard-
ing the production records of dams of bulls. (¢) Ask farmers
regarding the influence of a sire from a dairy producing mother.
12. Producing clean milk and preparing it for market, pp. 363-366;
Farm Projects, 399-405; Bulletins, 602, 1315. Local inquiry.—
(a) Visit places where clean milk is prepared for market, com-
pare good and bad methods. (b) Make a list of ways in which
milk is apt to be contaminated and study how each of these points
is managed locally.
13. Making butter, pp. 366, 367; Farm Projects, 400-402; Bulletins, 876,
1359. Local inquiry.— (a) What proportion of the milk or cream
produced locally is used for butter making? (b) Describe best
local butter making you can find. (c¢) Suggest how it could be
improved if possible.
14. Making cheese, pp. 368, 369; Farm Projects, 402-403; Bulletins, 960,
1191, 1359, 1451. Local inquiry.— (a) .Describe how local cheese
makers make the different kinds of cheese. (b) Criticize the bad
methods found, if any. (c¢) Ask dairymen to compare cheese with
butter as an outlet for their dairy business.
15. Making ice-cream. (See dairy books.) Local inquiry.— (a) Compare
good and bad methods in ice-cream making. (b) Profits from
these forms of dairying should be compared with pure milk, butter
and cheese.
16. Marketing dairy products, pp. 364, 365, 368, 370; Farm Projects, 404-
407; Bulletins, 930, 1019. Local inquiry.— (a) Describe the work-
ings of a cobperative dairy association for the handling of dairy
products (local association preferred). (b) Get opinions of
farmers regarding the benefits of codperative marketing of dairy