Full text: The new agriculture

THE best regions for beef production of the most finished type 
are found in states of the corn belt and tributary to the largest 
beef-packing centres. Other forms of beef production, such as 
the breeding and pasturing of animals, ready for finishing, are 
found in the western and southwestern states. The mountainous 
regions of eastern and seutheastern states are also well adapted 
to this purpose. 
Choosing the Breed for Beef Production.—The three lead- 
ing beef breeds are Shorthorn, Hereford, and Angus. Minor beef 
breeds are Polled Shorthorn, Polled Hereford, and Galloway. Red 
Poll and Devon breeds are of the dual-purpose type, and are much 
used for beef production. 
Shorthorns or Durhams (Figs. 250 and 251) are the most 
popular and the heaviest of the beef breeds, the standard weight 
being 1400 to 2000 pounds. The color may be white, red, or roan. 
The horns are small and short. Two types of Shorthorns are pro- 
duced, one strictly for beef purposes and the other of the general- 
purpose or dual-purpose type, often used in dairy regions. They 
are both registered in the same herd books. Purchasers must 
become familiar with the different Shorthorn families before 
investing. The Bates strains are more used for milk production. 
Shorthorn beef cattle closely approach the ideal beef type. The 
back is broad and straight and the ribs long and well sprung. 
They have large digestive capacity and good girth back of the 
fore legs. The loins are broad and the rump long and level. The 
thighs are long, thick and deep. The legs are short, showing clean 
bone and strong joints. The cattle are usually gentle under 
good treatment. 
Hereford cattle (Fig. 252) are commonly known as the white- 
faces. The body is red; white parts are the face, back of neck 
and withers, under line, legs below knees and hocks, and switch. 
This is one of the heaviest breeds and is very popular in beef 
markets. They are well adapted to grazing and are more popular 
on western and southwestern ranges than the other beef breeds. 
They are of good beef conformation, having strong, straight backs. 
The ribs are well sprung and long ; giving good digestive capacity 

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