Full text: The new agriculture

limbs to detect enlargements, wind-puffs, ring-bones, bunches, 
curby hocks, soft or bog spavin and bone spavin. Feel just above 
the hoofs for ring-bones, and, at the rear of the hoof feel if the 
soft cartilages have hardened into side bones. Kxamine the hoofs 
and feel for cracks of any kind, signs of brittleness, scratches, 
contracted heels or other defects. The hoof should be of good color 
to show life. The frog in the centre of the sole should be elastic 
and well supported on the sides with braces. 
Now examine the horse’s gaits, walk, trot and canter. Watch 
for irregularities due to lameness or bad habits. Heaves and bad 
breathing may be shown after vigorous exercise. 
Care and Management of Horses.—Regularity and watchful 
common sense are the best guides in the care of horses. The con- 
Fic. 267.—Left, a hoof with too much horn at (a), throwing the foot axis backward 
Centre, surplus horn at (b) throws the axis forward. Right, hoof trimmed and axis straight. 
(Gay's Productive Horse Husbandry.) 
dition, spirit and appetite of a horse should be closely watched. 
Keep the coat in a healthy, slick condition by regular, thorough 
orooming. Give special attention to the shoulders of work horses 
and bathe them frequently with water of suitable temperature. 
When there is the slightest soreness add some antiseptic to 
the water. 
The mouth should be examined for decaying teeth or over- 
growing points and swollen gums. When a horse refuses to eat 
his grain determine the cause. 
Have stable conditions such as to prevent horses from injuring 
themselves on the stalls and protect them from draughts of wind. 
The floor should be made to give good drainage and should be kept 
clean and well bedded. 
The feet of the horse require much attention. (Fig. 267.) 
Olean out the hoofs daily to remove gravel and other materials. 
The structure of the hoof will then be well understood. Trim the 
hoofs whenever necessary to keep them in proper shape. Supply 
shoes to suit the kind of work and refit them when the hoofs need

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