Full text: The new agriculture

SHEEP are usually raised profitably in regions where grazing 
land is not too valuable and where sheep-killing dogs (Fig. R70) 
are controlled, either by public sentiment against them or by laws 
which provide for payment of damage done to flocks by such dogs. 
Projects in sheep husbandry may start in several ways: (1) 
With bred ewes. (2) With weanling lambs. (3) With ewes and 
. Fic. 270.—Sheep killed by dogs. Part of flock of 192 head in Calhoun County, 
Michigan, that were killed in one night by the attack of two dogs. Few of the sheep were 
bitten or maimed: they were simply run to death. (Breeders’ Gazette ) 
lambs at side. (4) With a bunch of lambs or wethers to run a 
feeding and marketing project. The scope and time of the first 
may be made so large as to cover each of the other projects. The 
lambs in project four may be chosen from lambs raised in the 
other projects. 
The two main purposes for the raising of sheep are the pro- 
duction of wool and the production of mutton. A number of 
breeds are now in use for these purposes. 
Two Types.—Sheep which are best for mutton are blocky in 
form and have a conformation corresponding to the beef type in 
cattle. A type in extreme contrast with this is lean and angular 
similar to the dairy type of cattle. This type is chiefly used for 
wool production. The different breeds of sheep, however, are 

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