Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

The mineral wealth of this country was known and exploited even in very 
early times, as is proved by many traces both from Roman days and the Middle 
Ages, and more especially from the times when it was ruled by its own kings until 
the coming of the Turks. After that mining activity died down and was limited 
to the most primitive extraction of salt and iron. The industry did not revive until 
the second half of the nineteenth century and again after 1919. 
Investigations show that almost every kind of mineral exists in the King- 
dom, some in enormous quantities. Rapid development however is hindered by the 
lack of capital, that is to say, all the necessary conditions excepi capital are present. 
Slovenian Alps 
There are both state and privately owned mines. The Directorate of State 
Mining Enterprises with its headquarters at Sarajevo manages 14 coal mines, 1 of 
iron, 1 of manganese, and 1 of chrome. In addition it has 1 smelting works and 1

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