Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

The electro-chemical industry is represented by four large factories: 
a) 3 factories produce carbide and cyanide. Their capacity is about 200.000 
tons of these two substances. Most of their output is exported, and in fact the 
amount of their output depends on the possibility of sale abroad. 
b) the Jajce factory produces: 
1. 5.000 tons of ferro-silicium ; 
2. 3.000 tons of choride of lime or 1.000 of chloric derivatives; 
3. 1.500 tons of caustic soda. 
With very little reorganisation the output could be increased by one-third. 
Post-war circumstances however do not allow the full capacity to be utilised, 
since most of the output goes abroad. 
Sulphuric acid and superphosphates are made by three large factories 
which have a capacity of about 3.000 truckloads of the former, 14.000 of the 
latter, and in addition of over 1.500 trucks of various chemical products such as 
copper vitriol, oxygen, iron oxide dyes, glauber salts, green vitriol ete. 
The factories cannot yet utilise their full strength, because super-phos- 
phates are not yet much used, while other countries protect themselves against 
The Bosnian Solvai factory is able to produce annually carbonate of soda, 
caustic soda and crystal soda to a total amount of about 4.500 truckloads. After 
supplying the home demand this leaves a large amount for export. 
The three refineries of crude naphta turn out annually 80.000 tons of naphta, 
benzine, petroleum, lubrication oil ete. 
The 2 factories of etheric oils have a yearly surplus of over 120 tons for 
export. There are also 100 soap, candle and perfumery factories, large and small, 
with an output sufficient to cover home demands and allow for an appreciable. 
Carriage oil is produced in 8 factories, producing together up to 5.000 tons 
annually. Home consumption amounts to about 4.500 tons. 
Sulphate of aluminium, oxide of aluminium and aluminium hydrate are 
produced from bauxite in a factory with a yearly capacity of about 5.400 tons 
of which more than 909%, are exported. 
5 factories manufacture matches, having a possible production of about 
270 million boxes a year. Since the consumption in the country is about 210 mil- 
lions they could easily produce for export. 
There are five factories of chemical and pharmaceutic products. 
Other chemical goods which are produced in the country in sufficient quan 
tities to cover the whole national demand, and some of which can also be ex- 
ported are: 
Shoe polish and leather, metal and wood preservatives ; kalium and natrium 
saltpetre, glauber salts, natrium sulphide, and tiosulphate, salts, carbonic acid, 
glue, iron oxide dyes, ink, oils, size, and explosives. 
Paper Industry 
The paper mills, nine in all, can produce annually up to 3.000 trucks of 
all kinds of paper: — finest document paper, fine and ordinary paper for printing

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