Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

The Railway System and Rolling Stock 
The railway system of the Kingdom has a total extent of 10.049 kms, of 
which 9091 are State lines while only 958 kms (mostly industrial railways) are in 
private hands. The system is 23rd in length in the world and the 12th in Europe, 
coming after Belgium. The states which have shorter systems than this Kingdom 
are Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Holland, 
Latvia, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Esthonia, European Turkey and Albania. 
The density of the system as compared with the area of the country, which is 
about 249.000 sq. kms, is about 4 kms per 100 sq kms of surface or 8,2 kms of 
line per 10.000 inhabitants. The normal gauge system is 6.975 kms in length 
(68% of the whole), of which 274 are double lines, while the narrow gauge lines 
are of three kinds, the 76 em, with 2525 kms, the 60 em. with 540 kms, and 
the 1 m. gauge with 183 kms, in all 3254 kms. 
The fact that the railway network is still far from close enough, that the 
state inherited at the close of the war a number of railway systems with no con- 
nection between them, and that the main lines of communication are now very 
different from formerly, made it essential that the existing railways should be 
made into one organic and entire System, that the worn out lines should be re- 
paired and the necessary connections constructed. For this end a new general plan 
of the railway system has been drawn up which will increase the density of the 
network on its completion to 7.3 kms per 10 sq kms of surface. 
The railways are under the supervision and supreme management of the 
Ministry of Communications, and the work of exploiting them is carried out by 
the General Management of State Railways at Belgrade with the help of five pro- 
vincial managements at Belgrade, Zagreb, Subotica, Ljubljana and Sarajevo. A 
special department for construction undertakes the building of new lines. As 
regards the organisation of the administration, certain reforms are now being 
introduced in order to place the management, after the model of many other 
states, on a commercial basis. 
The official figures of the railways give the staff of the state lines on February 
1st last as 8.208 officials, 14.652 clerks, 2.657 servants, 1.756 assistants and 38.844 
labourers, altogether 66.117, or 7.2 to every kilometre of line in use.

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