Full text: Economic Jugoslavia

Persian ...... 
Portguese ...... 
U.S. A... 
Spanish .... 
Turkish .. 
Total .... . . 42.390 499.279 127.492  19,941.269 
The following table gives an idea of the incoming and outging home and 
foreign trade passing through S. H. S. ports. 
Home Trade 
Unit Sailing Ship Steamship Sailing Ship Steamship 
1925 met. cwts- ............... 387.490  1,441.770 478.280 1,510.350 
1926 ,, 39 eeeeneenenen. 05.265 1,140.170 617.730 1,380.820 
- 1 met. cwt = 100 kos. 
1925 met. cwts 
1926 ,, .. 
Foreign Trade 
209.080  2,836.683 
281.636 2.978.905 
1,755.554  8959.757 
10,001.720 836.901 
Total trade. 
Unit Sailing ship Steamship Sailing ship Steamship 
1925 met. ewts .................. 596.570 4,278.453 2,233.834 10,470.107 
1926 ,, ,, .eiiieiiinrenn.... 836.901 3,557.920 3.596.635 11,382.540 
Altogether 1925 .................. 4.875.023 12,703.941 
1926... ecoveenee - 4,394.821 14,979.175 
Classified according to countries of origin and destination this traffic reads 
as follows: 
Country of Origin or 
Albania ............... 
Algiers ........oocuneen 
Argentine ............ 
Brazil .................. 
BRP covenovvsimensas 
Gt. Britain .......... 1,442,980 
France ...ocviiininins 9.590 
Greece ................ 2.500 
E. Indies ............ 
[taly ..ocovvrnennnnen. 
Holland .............. 
Canary Islands...... 
Lybia .....ocoveeeniens 
Morocco .............. 
Germany ............. 
NOrWay ...o.vevnnnen 
Palestine ............. 
Portugal ............. 
Syria vienna. 
Spain ovine iii 
Tunis .coccevneninnnnnns

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