Full text: Report of the Committee appointed by the Treasury to consider the principles on which charges for certain services rendered by government departments should be assessed

reduced to a uniform basis. But we think the principle of a 
fixed percentage for Works Services is right, even if it has to 
be a different percentage in the case of the Office of Works. 
Class E. Professional Services.—These are so very various 
shat no precise rule can be laid down, but the general aim should 
be that only direct out-of-pocket expenses should be charged 
as between Hxchequer Departments. If the identification of 
such charges should be found to involve any appreciable account- 
ing difficulty, the case would be met by a flat rate calculated 
to cover the Minimum Charge (see Paragraph 6) and such over- 
heads as are represented by the 2% per cent. which we have 
recommended in the case of goods supplied from store. The 
form of the charge would vary according to circumstances; 
thus, in cases where the only service rendered is the inspection 
of goods, we should see no objection to a very simple rule such 
as a fee of X pence a yard for inspecting cloth, provided that the 
fee were calculated substantially in accordance with our recom- 
mendation. We do not, however, wish to rule out any reason- 
able arrangements for meeting the difficulty ; for instance, where 
several Departments are regularly using the services of the 
same establishment, e.g., an Inspection Branch, the annual 
expenses of the establishment might be apportioned between 
the Departments. Another permissible exception is where a 
Department is rendering services on a large scale to the public 
and only exceptionally to Government Departments, e.g., the 
supply of telephonists by the Post Office. Here it will be simpler 
to apply to the two Departments the ordinary public charge, 
since it is not worth while seeking to eliminate from the charge 
possible elements of profit where the total payments involved 
are small. 
8.—We would add that we are not satisfied with the system 
of a uniform charge for all services (whether building works 
or not) hitherto adopted in the case of the Office of Works. 
We think that the charge should be much reduced or abolished 
in the case of purchase of sites for Exchequer Deparfments, 
and that, in the case of goods supplied from store, the agency 
fee of 2} per cent. already recommended should meet the case. 
In connection with the supervision of gas and electricity con- 
tracts the service rendered consists of little more than the pay- 
ment of bills. We understand that there are good reasons why 
the payment of these bills should in all cases be left to the 
Office of Works, but we are strongly of opinion that in this 
and any similar cases which may exist the service shonld be 
rendered without pavment. 
9.—Ag stated in paragraph 2, * Extra-departmental Trans- 
actions include not only transactions between Govern- 
ment Departments and private individuals. local authorities.

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