Full text: Report of the Committee appointed by the Treasury to consider the principles on which charges for certain services rendered by government departments should be assessed

My Lords read again paragraph 19 of Their Minute of the 
7th October, 1926, on the First and Second Reports irom the 
Select Committee on Estimates, 1926, dealing with the question 
of charges for services rendered inter-departmentally. 
The Chancellor of the Exchequer states to the Board that he 
proposes to appoint a Committee with the following terms of 
reference :— 
(1) To consider the principles on which charges for ser- 
vices (other than ordinary allied services) rendered inter- 
departmentally, where it is desirable that they should be 
made, should be assessed and to make recommendations ; 
(2) to consider and make recommendations also as to 
the principles on which charges for similar services rendered 
axtra-departmentally should be calculated. 
He further proposes that the Committee be constituted as 
Sir Marcorm Ramsay, K.C.B., Comptroller and Auditor- 
General (Chairman) ; 
Mr. F. Pamruies, Treasury ; 
Mr. J. B. Crosuanp, C.B., War Office. ; 
Sir Henry BUNBURY, K.C.B., General Post Office; 
Sir James Cooper, K.B.E.; 
Mr. E. Ravspen, O.B.E., M.P.; with 
Mr. G&G. To. A. Grey, M.C. of the Treasury. as Secretary. 
My Lords approve. 
The cost of printing and publishing this report is estimated 
at £14 6s. 3d.

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